
What role will the UN play in finalizing a one world government from organizations like the EU &proposed NAU?

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What role will the UN play in finalizing a one world government from organizations like the EU &proposed NAU?




  1. The UN has brought nothing but hardship to many areas of the globe. They are weak and serve no purpose in this world, except to protect and benefit the enemies of its members. It should be abolished.

  2. Target practice, if they ever try to take over the US.

  3. Hopefully, none. They should be abolished.

  4. I dont see it happening.  The UN's primary principal it works on and the primary reason people percieve it as not doing enough its its respect for individual states sovereingty in the charter.  To create a truly one government system would require a new charter and the UN would no longer exist.

  5. The UN must make itself the world government to put order in the international community of nations.

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