
What roles due teenagers play in school, at home, and at work?

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What roles due teenagers play in school, at home, and at work?




  1. to be the best they can be wearever they are

  2. They are active participants in all three.

    In our home they are valued for their contribution to each of these area's, and encouraged to do their best beyond their own expectations.

    Teens are very capable young people when given the chance.

  3. Maybe studying hard is good.

  4. In school, teenagers should play their part by actively paying attention in class.

    At home, teenagers should help their parent in the chores.

    At work, teenagers should serve their customer in a good attitude.

    Therefore , there is a need to do their best in whatever they are doing.

  5. In school, I think you have to balance the educational with the social, definitely putting more emphasis on your studies, but still making time for friends... it is quite a juggling act...

    At home, I would say your role as a son/daughter/sibling... is probably the most important part of your life... at least until you have your own children.  Respecting your parents, trying to do the right thing, helping around the house, being caring towards parents and siblings...  Teens constantly test the waters, and it is a parents job to help guide them through the frustrating growing process.  It is as difficult for the parents as it is for the teens... At work, I would say first and foremost you are there to learn.  Do as you are told by your bosses, and try to give 110 percent!!!!  It will help prepare you for a lifetime of work....

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