
What roles have you played in life?

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Role Play

By C.S. Scotkin

Did you audition

for peacemaker?

Who would think

a tiny child could

ever do that?

Spread oil

on troubled water?

Rescue combatants?

Shoulder blame for

their inattention?

Feel unforgiven guilt?

Forever blocking

frustrated screams

from pummeling,

never successful.

Learn not to cry.

Never tell anyone,

never disagree

with the producer or



Do what is needed,

escape this play

even if you’re only four.




  1. I hope this poem wasn't about you.But if so, look what good comes from bad things.A lady who helps others,and a great poet.

  2. had to play sane when i was going completely bonkers on the nut ward

  3. My roles: daughter, sister, wife, wife again, ex wife X2, mother, friend, *****, killer bartender, successful business a new role: fan.

    Great poem. Thank you for your words C.S.  I am deeply touched.

  4. Fireman, smuggler, racer car driver, cop, sailor and hazardous material handler...playwright, scribe, cartoonist, essayist, columnist, photographer, Editor, Publisher...oh, I almost forgot...poet...    

  5. Roles? Me? Hundreds!

  6. Daughter, Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt, Journalist, dancer, art gallery manager, friend, actress, tutor, student, good neighbor

  7. I've done many things, do they all count as roles?

    I was a child,

    a student,

    a soldier,

    an assassin (sniper)

    a missleman,

    an electrician,

    electronics technician,


    husband, (twice)

    father, (once)

    a poet,

    official old f**t,

    and someday I will be a memory.

  8. Sounds like the oldest girl with neglectful/strict parents.

    And the roles: daughter, sister, student, friend, wife, mother, caretaker, teacher, mentor, writer, editor and minor poet.

  9. Well put. I'm in love w/ peace & tranquility, diplomacy & conciliation, and forgiveness & kindness. I hate terrorism & wars, cruelty & misjudgment, and abuse & family abandonment. I 'd play any role in the former, but escape any play of the latter.

  10. Thankfully, I was never an abused or neglected child, even though I grew up in a single parent household. But I do teach and tutor, and I have known quite a few children who were not so fortunate.  For them I have been confidante, mentor, friend, and surrogate father. For others, I have been the voice of reality and the instiller of dreams, cultivator of mind and body, and yes, the safety net that saves them when they inevitably fall.  I now have tutored some of their children!  I am trained as a mathematician, but I count these other things as my true calling in life.  A few people have told me that I am a poet, but about that I am less certain...but to the extent that I am, my experiences -- the roles I've played in life -- have prepared me, they've altered my mental and emotional landscape, they have made me more human.

  11. was baby sister first

    then came that one after

    ....the worst!

    I am a daughter to my mum and dad

    one of 6 they had

    I am a niece, and then an aunt

    a cousin to some others

    A care giver I became to all

    A peace maker and a fighter

    my loads not getting lighter....

    Upon my shoulders

    squarely rests

    the need to fulfil

    many requests.

    I am a mother

    have a pigeon pair

    I have been called a..

    whats that? Square?

    I will be everything to everyone

    I am sure .. before it is done.

    ..but what I fear I will never be

    Is a grandmommy

    to..even one..

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