
What room are the Y!A republicans going to spend their lives in after Obama wins the white house?

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What room are the Y!A republicans going to spend their lives in after Obama wins the white house?




  1. A Panic Room, or a nice hotel room in Canada.


  2. the funeral parlor

  3. we might be having another 4-8 years under a republican pres.

  4. Is there a room for Losers?

  5. oh you mean like kerry won the white house?? and gore won the white house????

    dream on....and sing for the tear...

  6. The blue room

  7. Probably this one, lol

  8. GREAT QUESTION!!! i THINK they will be sad and miserable and look for some of  us to join them. I will not they had 8 years and their time is up!!

  9. don't be so sure about that one.

  10. what room after he raises taxes on all of us we will be forced to live in the streets

  11. It's people like you who are a disgrace to America.

    and read the answer the animal above me left, and then take a look at his name.

    That's a liberal for ya.

  12. lol that wont happen your boy is only ahead by 1 point.h**l even kerry was ahead by i think 14  to 15 points at least at this point!

  13. Don't know !!

    Is there a Lottery going to be able to WIN ownership of the White House ??

    That is the ONLY way that Obama could possibly win the White House !!


  14. THE RUBBER ROOM!  Where they belong!

  15. I remember that question when it had Gore instead of Obama in it.

    And when it had Kerry instead of Obama.

    I'll remember it again in 2012 with Hillary.


  16. my room i guess. Was this intended to be funny?

  17. I'll be in Iraq, like I was when Kerry beat Bush.

  18. What do all those colors smell like.

  19. what flavor of kool-aid you drinking tonight?

    McCain will win

  20. Probably the operating room - he's sure to have plenty more melanomas to be cut off his big, round, fat head...or the morgue, because he's real old.

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