
What route did slaves ships take?

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What route did slaves ships take?




  1. Through the Middle Passage.

  2. usually direct from west africa to the caribbean

  3. The most important routes of the slave ships led from the northern and middle coasts of Africa to South America and the south coast of what is today the Caribbean and the United States of America.

  4. If you mean slave ships in the colonial times, then they took the Middle Passage. The Middle Passage went from Africa to pick up the slaves and dropped them off in North America. The ride was horrible. It stank so much that people died and there was NO ROOM AT ALL. If slaves tried to suicide they were whipped. Hope this helps :].

  5. The answers are correct but, (they rarely travelled empty, loss of revenue) from the Caribbean, they would usually be loaded with cotton and other products before sailing back to their nation states to unload, they would then run down to Africa to pick up more 'human cargo' before crossing back to the Caribbean, (via the forementioned Middle Route) completing the triangle.

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