
What route should a single person take if that person wants to adopt a child in the United States?

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What route should a single person take if that person wants to adopt a child in the United States?




  1. Are you looking for a newborn or an older child? Being single I would look at becoming an adoptive parent registered with your local children and family services. Most states have either adoptive families who will be placed with children who have a high likelihood or are free for adoption, foster only who will be placed with children who have a high likelihood of returning to their birth families and then there are the foster to adopt who will get placed with children who might fall in the middle or highly likely to be free for adoption.

    You can have a child placed with you relatively fast if you are open to all ages. I requested 12 months or older up to age 10. Having never had a child before I was afraid of teen agers and I did not want a baby who was still waking up ever couple of hours for a feeding. I was placed with a sibling group (1 boy and 1 girl ages 6 and 7 respectively).

    While slightly older kids have a number of issues, helping them over come those issues is very rewarding. Helping them to learn that not every adult responds in anger by picking them up and throwing them across the room. Those two children will always be "my kids" even though one has bee adopted by another ffoster family and the other is in a residencial treatment center. I loved them like my own children and you cannot just turn that off.

    Good luck!

  2. call or email all the adoption agencies in your area (city, state -- it doesn't even have to be nearby) and find out which ones are open to placing children with single parents. Once you have a list of them (you can certainly use the internet to locate adoption agencies) then you need to narrow your choices down to which ones most the make sense to pursue further. Find out some basic answers -- how long the expected wait is for a baby, approximate cost, what's involved in the process (that should be pretty similar for all the agencies) and then start talking to someone from each aency that seems like a reasonable fit and figure out which places you like the most for whatever reason. You may not realize it now but, the people at the agency are ones that you will be dealing with on a regular and somewhat intimate basis over the next couple of years so, you want to be able to connect with these people. Choose a place that feels right to you. If the state you live in makes it illegal for single parents to adopt children (I have no idea if that is true anywhere) then look into agencies out of state. good luck!

  3. it is hard if you are single i have three adopted children i love them dearly but it is hard especially the first few nights. I just adopted my third child and he misses his birth mom he is 6 months old

    hope this helps you

  4. The same steps as a couple if you go through Social Services you will need classes and they will tell lyu what you need to know if you go through a placement agency you wil lgo through there qualifications..good Luck

  5. The same way a couple would!!  Get a homestudy (look up adoption agencies in the yellow pages), once you are approved, select an agency.

    As a single woman, you will have to show:

    More support from family and friends

    Solid independent means of support

    No dependence on loans, child support, government, etc.

    Flexible hours for job would be good, to show you will have time for your child

    Good luck to you!!

  6. I would imagine a good first step would be to start the process first to become a foster parent.  Many people adopt children that they have taken in as foster children.  There are also SO many children who need homes and cannot get them, as many couples who wish to adopt only want infants.  The toddlers and school age children sometimes never have homes.  There was actually a website that I viewed years ago with information about children in need of homes.  I believe it was and I think it is searchable by state.

  7. I would suggest contacting a local reputable adoption agency.  They will be able to tell you what the requirements are in your state as well if they have specific requirements for single parents.  You could also try contacting your local foster care program thru your Dept of Human Services if you are interested in a foster/adopt program.

    Good luck to you.

  8. my mom is single and adopted an older child (9) through the foster care system. of course my mom was also 41.

  9. I don't think it's legal for a single person to adopt a child. But you, as a single female, could find a sperm donor; that's probably the best option.

  10. They would take the same route as a married couple, except that it is even more important that they have a good support system backing them, as far as people who are willing to babysit, offer advice, etc.

    For foster care adoptions, the person should contact their local human services agency to find out about licensing requirements. For private adoption, they would contact an adoption agency and/or attorney.

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