
What rugby position would i be best suited for?

by  |  earlier

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I am 6ft 2in (1.9 Metres) and 150lbs (68kgs)

I am a fast sprinter and have good passing skills.

I have been playing for a few months and am now playing for my University. I just want to know what position my weight and height would work best for.





  1. outside center or try your self on the wing and see whats best

  2. I think you should play inside centre. You always need that back up fly half but also be able to sprint through the defensive line

  3. I'd send you to the bakery to eat some pies mate.  You gotta put some weight on :)

  4. i would put you down for a centre, possibly flanker, as your height would work well in a line out.

  5. The magnificent game of Rugby seeks to find those who think on their feet, create when others despair, have inner resolve, have vision which in their minds finds solutions to problems under pressure, can absorb pain in the interests of the team.  That is why it is the game for the decision-makers.

      Do you contribute to the team? Do you value-add to the mix.  If so you will find yourself in the pressure positions, loose forward or halves/centres.  That is the real question.  Good Luck - Go The Brumbies...

  6. Anyone suggesting you play a pack position at 150 lbs is dead wrong. I would hesitate to put you at center even. I play outside center and weigh 80 lbs more than you even though I'm 2" shorter - I would be thrilled to see you across from me. I would definitely put you at wing if you're fast, or at fullback if you can use your boot. But packies are too large for you at 150 and in today's game centers are getting more physical than ever.

  7. Definetley a back, full back? winger? centre? youe weight lets you down for a Forward, Im 19, 6ft 1 and 210 pounds strong and i play openside flanker.

    Best of luck with ur rugby

  8. well you say your fast and good passing skills so i reckon probly centre (inside or out) but you also need to be pretty good at beating your opponant 1 on 1 in the centres if you can get around a person or beat them one on one thats a huge plus

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