
What rule in the NFL would you like to see changed?

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Me I would like to see that can't touch the reciever after 5 yards rule changed. This rule makes it too darn tough for the defensive backs and a unfair advantage to the offense. Personally I would like to seem it where you can continue to bust up that reciever until the ball is in the air in his direction then cannot be touched until the reciever touches the ball only to be careemed again. Thats Football!!!




  1. I'd like to see the overtime rule changed.   Play for the entire specified time and see who scores the most.

  2. I totally agree with you on the first rule imagine HOF WRs playing with this rule they would have even better numbers. Or I would change the d**n tuck rule if thats the case all the QB has to do is keep pump faking and then he wont fumble when he is sacked.

  3. I would like them to change that the reciever has to have possesion of the ball rule. It should be a catch as long as the ball doesnt touch the ground. Who cares if hes bobbling it or whtever. They take away some crazy catches with the rule they have now.

  4. The horse Collar tackle. There's nothing bad about it.

  5. i hate the one they took away force outs i want them back

  6. i think it should be against the rules for the coaches to call a time out because of coaches like mike sham-a-scam making opponents kick a field goal twice


  7. I think they should change the overtime rules. It's unfair. They should let both teams at some point get the ball.


  9. I agree with you on the rule about the defender not being able to touch the receiver after 5 yards.  I think that it should be more like 10 yards.  

  10. i like rules just they are right now, its a fair advantage for everyone

  11. O.K. I agree the tuck rule sucks and even when i played high school i thought the 5 yard rule was silly. But the most offensive rule is the celebration rule. I want cell phones, pom poms, puppet shows and choreographed dances in the endzone. I think I would try harder to stop chad or t.o. if i knew they where going to do a 5 min. performing art piece on how bad i suck after they score. I miss Gastineau and LT.

    Lyle Alzado would go into the stands and slap your mama after a sack.

    Dig a grave or strike the hogan pose, what ever you like.I think that would really jack up the intensity.

    Also the no beer after halftime rule blows!

    And a manditory 3 "little people"  to a team.

  12. i think the pass interference

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