
What saddle would you buy?

by Guest63075  |  earlier

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So my dad just started training me to rope and rein.

I want to get a saddle that fits my horse but I need to know what saddle you would get for this purpose

I am looking at these 2 right now

If you have any other suggestions please give me them.




  1. first one. i like the lighter color, and it looks more comfortable for what you want. easier to stay in the saddle. both are good, but the second one is a little flatter in the back, and might be less comfy

  2. its depends with the color of the horse

  3. I like the first one

  4. The roper is your best bet. A reiner will be too slick for roping, but the roper has a nice low seat for the reining.

    But most importantly check the fit to your horse and the fit for yourself, neither one will do you any good if they don't fit your horse.


  5. Your probably better off finding those saddles in real life and trying them out, and then order them off the internet. Just so you can look at the leather quality and how its put together more closely.

  6. I dunno, Billy Cook has really started to go down the drain with their quality & workmanship....the leather is really crappy ( at least that's what I found in my recent saddle hunting) If you are dead-set on these 2 saddles...I would go for the 2nd---it sounds nicer to me....but I would recommend you visit> these guys have awesome can custom order yours so it fits you & your horse perfectly (that'swhat I did & I LOVE mine...I got a barrel saddle from them...)

  7. it dpends on the color of the horse, if he is light i would get the 1st one, but if he is dark get the second one. i ride english but i LOVE the second one

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