
What salts do they use on McDonald's, KFC and Red Rooster chips/fries?

by  |  earlier

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Thanks, because I was eating Red Rooster and I was getting confused. It tasted like chicken salt, so I stopped eating it.




  1. I am an employee of McDonald's. For our Fries/Fish we use just regular Salt.  Just like you have at home.

  2. The one that starts with an S and ends with a T, I think. I can't remember how you spell it....just kidding with my sarcasm. Did you mean spices or seasonings? McDonalds just uses regular salt. The have a nutritional menu on their website that tell you about their fries. I get on it and look sometimes becasue i watch my salt intake.

  3. salt sea salt

  4. I'm thinking just regular ionized salt

  5. McDonalds - Normal Salt

    KFC - Chicken Salt

    Red Rooster - Dunno

  6. iodized salt

  7. NaCl (soduim chloride)  I think.

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