
What say to a "Makeup Gone Wrong Morning Pome"?

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Intricate linear progressions

Lead to Tuesday 3 AM

Crinkly goofy...truth!

Forsooth! Who walks

This hour of power wid me???

Uh, ain't no power

In putting makeup

On by computer light!!! I come!!

Good thing those

Captains cain't see

Who's opening that

Bridge!! A spook!!!

Goblin, elf, face

Almost right...fright!!!

Mascara on lips...

Missed the eyes...

Wherefore art thou

Eyes??? In my coffee


To say, this ain't be the

Day I win eeeny awurds

Fer bayuuu queeen...spelll

Checker done gonee

NUTS!!! And,,,I gots tuuuu

Watch demm punctuates!!!

I gots dis computer talkin

It's buttt off this hear maunin!!!

13 misspellingss....14...heheheheheheheheee...

16...17...contests arise...

How many can I get

Before it starts a'smokin???



Atta checker!!!! 20...heheheheeeee

Paves the way for

21....Goods Mornings!

Good Morning! toooos...22...


23...aha!!! # of my birthday!

I quit now....!




  1. Good morning to you, Don't cry today, your mascara won't know which way to run.

    Spell check a flopping, popping on and off, before a word is complete, hard to

    tell if right or wrong, it gives up goes off, just as quick comes on to


  2. Eeeeeeeeeek!!!!!!!

    I've seen that look before.

    Makeup put on in a hurry and....

    not checking it before you go out the door.

    The non verbal communication..not worrying..

    The opportunity is there....

    to wash it all off and go bare.

    Roll up the the window...

    Repetitive motion, circles in the air...

    A small tear flows, quietly, gently....

    Brings music to my ears, though intense...

    Is peaceful, a symbol of painful vibrations...

    Meaningful to individuals as their transgression

    Towards Halloween unfolds...

    Keep messing with the make up Missy...

    One day you'll get it right.

    As we occupy interior worlds we can only visualize how you appear...

    Your thoughtful poems inspire many of us to take the journey...

    To share and embrace our literary skills, an exchange of thoughts, ideas...

    Crossing bridges, learning new styles, participating in your worldwide classroom has given me new knowledge and power.

    I...for one..Thank you.

    God Bless....and ...

    Good Morning!!!!

    I Da Rooster!!!


    Approved by Safety Officer:  Wai Too Goh

  3. I would try makeup, if I thought it would help. I see men wearing eyeliner all the time now...see what you've done!

  4. Good Morn'n !!! 3am is a challenge for everything Until that first pot o' coffee!! Should have woke Snidely up this morn'n !!! That would have made his day ,,,,Loved the pome,,,,Have a great day,,,, Gonna giv hat spell chekr hadake

  5. Dat why I don't wear no makeup! Always poking eyes with lipstick!

    Knocking back my #2 cup of java listening to wind and rain but just a little.  Thanks for the wake up pome.!!!!!!!!!!!!   only 3 misspells but punky chick is chitterering!

    Rapid deterioration over Central Fl, lots of badly needed rain,

    some gustiness of wind, power restored.  A better outcome than was expected yesterday.

  6. I am virtually walking this hour with you.

    Last night Dondi had 23 strikes from Spell Chick. I'm already working this morning, began shortly after 3:30. Have a four-hour off line necessity.

    With all poetic punctuation finally corrected, this should be a Good Maunin here in New Yawk and down in Loosiana.

    EDIT: So I have been told. Admiration to you!!

  7. We're all make up challenged 3 in the morn ...  At least you didn't poke your eye out.  Good morning!

  8. Make up? Make up? We don't need no stinking make up. If you can look Snidely in the beak, and he don't run screaming into the coop, you're fine. Good Morning

  9. Does this eyeliner make my head look fat?

  10. I sure could use the coffee I can't drink none this morning due to surgery comin' up in a few hours which caused me not to sleep so well which is causing me to want some coffee somethin' awful which is just completely ruining my day almost wish I could go to work with you and drink coffee I decided to not use any punctuation in protest Good morning to you though

  11. lol, nice shift mate!

  12. Now, how am I to relate to make up pomes?  lol  GM to you, by the way, I think you got something on your ear, it looks like lipstick!

  13. This is fantastic! I love it! Now go write another please? To early for Snidely? Good morning to yu tu.

  14. Ha ha ha.....

    As we apply our make up, all onion eyed

    Warped .. we tried

    Our h**l-hated mascara smears

    Dizzy eyed...bring on the tears

    Lipstick .. artless in style

    Slowly .. I smile

    Thou art dankish you dizzy-eyed blonde

    Impertinent make up I'm all done

    Saucy I'll be

    Today .. no make up for me

    I'm drawing to an end

    Of going over the bend

    I no longer relate

    How cosmetics rate

    To look good and feel free

    Unmuzzled, natural I'll be

    To go bare

    As much as I dare

    Good Morning !!!!

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