
What say to the ship called 'Cajun Doll' poem?

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Coffee-lightning awake. Shower-ozone

Perked. Driving. Windy. Bridge.

"Good Afternoon. Bridge okay?"

"Span light out. Lost a ship in the bay

Last night. Coast Guard confirmed

'Cajun Doll' split up. Looking for survivors."

Chain smoking thru hours. Bridge house

Gust-creaking. Tin rain lulling, lulling...

Power out. Battery back-up radio...

Storm-streaked windows...

"Cajun Doll. Cajun Doll to Brady

Bridge...Brady Bridge...request


"Brady back to Cajun Dolll...Cap

Stand by, stand by. Power out.

Bridge locked."

"Roger that. Standing by. Cajun Doll

Out." Street lights. Heavy

Sheet-rain. Nothing. Nothing.

3 hours to dawn...then, lighter gray.

Then, pink light, black trees day-green.

Power on.

"Brady Bridge to Cajun Doll."

Silence. Asleep?

"Cajun Doll. Cajun Doll."


"Morning, morning. How was the night?"

"Span light out. Boat on stand-by...

Cajun Doll. Didn't break up in that

Storm...she's right over..."

Nothing. Nothing.

"Come see! Quick!"

One board floating under the Bridge...

'Cajun Doll' in script letters...

Morning fog shrouded the road, as I,

Driving, going home...

Like 'Cajun Doll'.




  1. A powerful tale as any I have read.  Palpable and real.  Thanks.

  2. excellent.

    I have come to expect the unexpected during my morning reading here,,, this certainly was not what I expected and all the more delightful for it.

    very nice indeed.

  3. It is bad when the communication is from debris...

  4. Powerful ,,,You took me to your bridge ,,,Looking out for the Cajun Doll and not seeing ,,,,WoW !!!

  5. Gorgeous, just like it's author.  I really enjoyed this one.

  6. For those who don't have a clue, you provide the story. I know this tale all too well and can see clearly through and into the murky waters on which I live. Excellent write and read

  7. Wonderful tale.  Gordon Lightfoot will be calling to add to his Edmond Fitzgerald repertoire!  Cajun Doll, a ship's name?  I wonder how many Cajun dolls frequent Bourbon Street!  lol

  8. I hope this didn't really happen, but it was very good.

  9. I loved it... but why didn't anyone save me, I kept holding the sign above the water. Good thing the water was only five and a half feet deep... could be why the ship went a-ground and broke up... I need to get a life.

  10. This is very powerful--"out of this world."

  11. I read this poem I was drawn steadily into the scene with it and bobbing in the water.  

  12. i love this kind of reading.

    it always keeps me glued in.

    the first stanza setup is really good.

    and the end when you took the

    experience with you..pretty cool.

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