
What say you, McCain or Hussein?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Osama Bin Biden 2008!

  2. You should rename your avatar to, "Questions only a moron would ask."

  3. saddam rip.

  4. Hussein!

    why are his name, religion or color a big deal?

  5. hussein you loser.

    it's so obvious that race does play a role in this campaign. people will vote against him (you) because his name and color and people will vote for him just for that. get a life.

  6. There's no one named Hussein running.

  7. OBAMA!!!!  

  8. you mean like sadam hussein?

  9. McCain

    McCain/Palin 08

  10. Obama actually going to help the people. I'm from Hawaii, republicans know how to mess up things and we need to fix the economy. Elect a Dem.  McCain/Palin doesn't really think  for the people of all race and culture. Am I a racist?

  11. Obomba will only speak to O'Reilly if it's tonight????????  McCain's nomination speech night?????????  He told O'Reilly it's tonight or no night.   Desperate????????

  12. Say you what.

    Hussein is dead.

    Bush had him hanged.

    you what say.

  13. Nice Question to draw out the Red Neck haters, who can't wait to bring their KKK sheets out of the closet.

  14. Mccain   (nice joke there lol)

  15. Who is Hussein?

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