
What say you on this quote concerning "judgement"?

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"When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself."




  1. Nice answer above.

    There are people out there who make you feel annoyed and uncomfortable. But in actual fact, it is your response toward them that make you feel that way. Your beliefs about something lead you to think the way you do because you relate them to your own experiences.

  2. Yes

    but judgement is 'passing sentence' not 'assessing the acts and situation' which we need to do all the time

    We need to assess especially our own actions since I am the only mortal who can come truly close to getting to the bottom of my motives (even though actions reveal attitudes)

    in assessing my own actions i am also assessing those of others

    but as for passing sentence i must leave that entirely up to the infinite,all wise,all knowing,all just,all good, etc God Who is eternal love for only He can get the whole picture

  3. This is so true.  You can't point your finger at someone without pointing at yourself.  

    Extend your index finger and thumb in a pointing position away from you, and notice the other three fingers point directly back at you.  Remember this the next time you point out the faults of someone else.

    The standards we have for ourselves are rarely as strict as those we hold for others.  Also, the fault we see in another may be the reflection of our own.

  4. I agree, when you judge another person you are revealing your own prejudices, preferences etc.

    Your judgement of another person is based on your own belief system and says nothing about them.

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