
What scandals were the vatican involved in?

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i heard they did something bad in world war 2...what was that? and what else have they done?




  1. The pope during the war, Pius XII never publicly denounced the n***s, allowing Hitler to destroy Europe and kill millions.  Had he aggressively denounced Hitler, the millions of Catholics in Germany may have acted differently.  Instead, the catholic church accepted Hitler's authority, and even sent him special "Happy Birthday" messages every year.

  2. The Roman Catholic Church is one of Mankind's oldest institutions, so it's history is rife with scandal and horror.  There were many instances of the Church using "salvation" as a means of generating enormous wealth by selling "indulgences" (time off from something called Purgatory, where you pay for the sins that were supposedly already forgiven), selling blessings, and even extorting monies with the threat of excommunication. (The expulsion from the Church, and the guarantee of damnation)

    Later, the Inquisition was another means of generating fear and obedience to this Supreme Power of Europe, because let's face it, NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!  Their chief weapon is fear and surprise!  Wait!  That's two. Their two chief weapons are fear and surprise and devotion to the Holy Father.  B*gger, that's three...Sorry.

    The scandal of which you speak is that the n***s left Vatican City alone even when Italy surrendered to the Allies, and in exchange, the Pope allowed an organization called Odessa to use Vatican mail, and other facilities to transfer wealth out of Europe and into South America, and then used Vatican passports to spirit n***s pesonnel and their families out of Europe.  This has been proven over and over again.  It's true.

  3. Someone else will answer you WWII question, I have a better scandal.  The Vatican was involved in the assassination of Pope John Paul I, who only ruled for 33 days.  He died in quite a spucious situation in the night, the embammers were called before the doctors, and the doctor who signed the death certificate didn't even examine the body properly.

    It is a long detailed story, of which a book "In God's Name" deals with perfectly.  But briefly the Vatican, and more so the Vatican Bank were involved in a number of dodgy to say the least bank deals in the 70's, largely involving laundarying Mafia money and other things.  When JP I came to power, he slowly leant know things worked around the Vatican and he did not like it.  He planned to reorganise everything, including the Vatican Bank, as well was thinking about selling off large amounts of the Church's wealth to go to what he sure as the tue Christian calling on earth, to help the people.  Plus there were a number of other reasons behind.

    It is not known what happened exactly and it never will, but he died peacefully in his sleep when was very healthy.  Was emabled within 6-8 hrs with no autopotsy done.  It was believed that a Cardinal or likely a group of them, helped poision the Pope.

  4. MANY, let me tell you.  But in regards to WWII, the Vatican was fully aware of the millions of Jews being murdered but they decided to not act out against it, and even worst, keep quiet of it and not confirm it.  Many Catholic priests died in order to help Jews out of concentration camps but the Catholic Church would not back them.

  5. you name it and they have been in it,

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