
What scares you most about the future?!?

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What scares you most about the future?!?




  1. when teh sun finally grows old and all the gas is released and teh sun turns into a red giant (swallowing all teh planets) then it blows up and there we go. before that it turns into a supernova. and before that we will probably all die from a solarflare headign towards earth in the southern pole.

  2. Having to swim to work when the sea rises.

  3. revelations


  5. Running out of drinking water.

  6. Two Things:

    (1) World War 3

    (2) Death

    both scare the bejesus outa me!

  7. What the world will be like for my Grandchildren.

  8. Not being about to find a good job

    not being able to compete with other people on the job market

    Not making enough money to make it where I live

    Another gun ban, I waited 8 years to buy a AK, but they told me I needed to be 18 to buy a rifle. And that in CA AKs aren't legal. Almost every gun on my list would break some dumbassed law, and i will not hand over my current guns that I worked so hard to save for because some d**k in the government decides to make another gun ban.

  9. our Enviroment the melting of the Arctic ice

  10. diseases, war, and staying single

  11. If there is a future, with wars and violence and floods and fires earthquakes and this is all the stuff that is happening now, like a preview to the end times, I pray and hope that there is a future for us all.

  12. ww3

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