
What scene people don't realize?

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I'm not too big on this whole "being scene" craze. To be honest I guess you would consider me a little bit of a preppy person. My question is, is that if I have my facts straight, people are "scene" to stick out of a crowd. All of these "scene" people are dressing the same and listening to the same music. With more and more kids becoming scene, wouldn't it make it the "normal" completely ruining the point of well, being "scene."

Yes haha, I know that might have not made much sense, but well, I tried to get something of my mind.

Thank You




  1. lol if you dislike that whole scene trend as much as I do, then you should read this article:

  2. Im considered "scene" because i dress a certain way. But i dont do it to stand out I do it because thats what i like. Im just trying to stay true to myself.  

  3. dude scene is so overrated. just a bunch of kids who think they are so radddddddd omfg and hawtxxx. -___-"

    answer mine?;...

  4. Ya it one is actually being original ...LOL they like to think they are...but everything people do..they see someone else do first..

  5. lol your so right,

    scene kids make me lol.

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