
What scenes where in the Dark Knight trailer that were left out of the movie?

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I heard a bunch of people grumbling about this and would just like to know what they left out.





  1. Of course there will be some deleted scenes but I don't think none of them were included in the trailers...... Cheers !!

    Just wait for the DVD with special features and deleted scenes

  2. I have to watch it again, because the first time I saw it I was super tired and fighting sleep ( I work 2 jobs) but if I remember correctly the seen that has the joker looking up at the camera with a pretty wicked look on his face and he doent say a word. I remember it from the commercial but didnt see it (remember) in the movie. the scene would have been when he was in the jail cell, because the commercial showed him while sitting down.

  3. I can't think of any, I think they were all in

  4. I don't really think there are deleted scenes shown in the trailers.  However, what we do see is numerous examples of alternate takes.  For example, the take of "Why so serious?" is much more aggressive than that used in the film.  

    For the scene where the Joker is threatening Rachel and comments, "A little fight in ya...I like that" and Batman replies "Then you're gonna love me" a different edit is also apparent.  In the film you hear Batman's line, then out of nowhere he punches Joker.  In the trailer the scene cuts to a shot of Batman standing right there, preparing to strike, before he has finished saying the line.

  5. i just watched both trailers, and i'm pretty sure they were all in there

  6. you know?

    the movie was soooo good

    i didnt even realize that they left sum scenes out

  7. I think there's another bit where the Joker is being interrogated by Batman and Joker says "You'll see, I'll show ya" - this bit is in the film and trailer but in the trailer they show it from a different side so you actually see the Joker say these words, where-as in the film the camera cuts to Batman instead. (I realise this isn't exactly hugely important but still)

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