
What school bag do u like???? pixxxxx?

by  |  earlier

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tanx in advance lolz




  1. I like the Billabong one it is a Billabong one isn't it?(No2)

  2. I do go with the second one. A lot of people use plain old backpacks at my school. The really preppy kids have tote bags though. And if I don't need a lot of books I use my fake quilted Chanel tote-ish thing.

  3. I like the second one the best, it is of better material and colorful.  I noticed it is out of stock.  If you don't get the second one I would recommend the first one.

    The third one looks like an old lady's bag.

  4. the second one

  5. the second by far

  6. 2nd one

  7. I like the three of them, they are all cute, and I think it was a good choice to go for black. It's a colour that suits every outfit and that you're less likely to get bored of.

    I think maybe the last one isn't practical enough for school. I'm not sure that type of bag is the most appropriate for all the weight of your books. And because it doesn't have a zip or anything to close it, it doesn't seem the best for classes.

    So between the 1st and 2nd one, it's a matter of looks. I'd go for the 2nd one because that little colour detail makes it a little less plain, a bit more colourful and fun.

  8. definitely the Billabong one! It's gorgeous!


  10. Either the first or second one because the me 2 you bear is a bit childish. this question brings back memories!!!!! it took me ages to decide on which school bag, pencil case, scarve etc. i wanted but im at college now so we wear our own clothes lol  

  11. I like the second one because it's colorful.

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