
What school courses ?

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so.. school is starting and im going into my junior year i just thought it would be interesting to see what courses people are taking other than me in there junior year here's mine....

spanish 4 honors

ap biology

ap us history

ap pyschology

physics honors

alg 2 honors

eng 3 honors

i can't wait hahah seems like a rough year but i can handle it ;)




  1. Looks a lot like my junior year. Have fun. It goes by too fast.

  2. I'm taking all IB courses this year.

    English HL1

    History HL1

    Math HL1

    Chemistry HL1

    Physics SL

    Mandarin ab initio

    and Theory of Knowledge.

  3. I wish you would take the physics honors class next semester or year. I say this because you are taking a heavy load of classes. Take an elective course.  

  4. well i am going to be a sophomore next year and im planning on taking the following courses:

    Medical anatomy and physiology

    Concurrent computer technology

    AP world History

    Drivers Education

    LifeTime Fitness


    Lanuage Arts 10 Honors

    Chemistry Honors

    Art Foundation I/II

  5. I go to a private Catholic all girls school..ill be a junior..

    First semester:


    American Literature

    American History

    ACapella Choir

    Graphic Design

    Selected Algebra 2 topics


    Second Semester:

    Social Concerns of the Gospel

    Graphic Design

    American History

    American Literature


    ACapella Choir

    Selected Algebra 2 topics

  6. omg

    you took everything honors/AP...

    i wish you the best of luck

    i really admire you for challenging yourself like that

    make sure that you know your limits and to not overwork yourself  

  7. d**n youre taking really hard course im going to my junior year and i thought mine was hard im taking ap us history only and honors english but your is gunna be tuff lol

  8. I'm a senior now but last year, I took:

    AP Spanish Language

    AP Calculus AB

    AP English Language

    AP United States History

    Latin III Honors

    Physics Honors

    AP English was a complete pain! But we didn't have an Honors option so I had to go with it. :(

  9. I'm taking all the three sciences too but not on honors though.. so as math and calculus
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