
What school loans and grants are available to me?

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I'm the father of a 5 year old and I cannot go to school, raise a child, and hold a job making enough money to support the household. I make good money now, but have no room for advancement unless I recieve a degree. Is there loans or grants available that would pay for college and help offset the loss of income I will experience from taking a lower paying job to further my education?




  1. Hello how are you? There are definitely scholarships and grants that you are eligible for. What you need to do is use a scholarship search. This makes it easy for you because with this service you create a profile and you will receive information on every scholarship and grant that you are eligible for based on your profile. Scholarship Support actually has 2 free scholarship searches available right now. I hope this helps you. Good Luck!

  2. Have you filled out a FAFSA?  That would be your first step.  Indicate the college you want to attend, FAFSA will send their info to the school and the school will send you an award letter stating what you are eligible for.

    If you can't go full time, go part time.  Even one class a semester is better than nothing.

  3. You should definitely apply for federal financial aid at  but be aware, college is about sacrifice. You can get student loans, but you aren't going to get rich doing it.  Depending on how expensive the school is, your loan money is given to you (to do with as you wish) after tuition and fees are paid.  

    So depending on your lifestyle and financial commitments, you MIGHT pay some bills, but rarely is anyone able to simply quit and go to school full time and live off loans.  Not without selling the house, the cars, cancelling the cell phones, internet and anything else.

    Remember, if it were easy everyone would do it and no one would need it.   My Mom moved in with her mother with her two kids so she could afford to go to college.  She was in her 30's at the time.

    If you have a spouse, perhaps they could take a second job if you feel the need to quit work entirely or they (or you) feel that cell phones, Internet, is an absolute necessity.  I find that this transition is hardest for folks like you.  Who've had a life (and earned some money and have the debt to show for it).  

    Good luck.  And good for you for deciding to go back to school.

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