
What scientific break through would you like to see happen in the next five years?

by  |  earlier

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Anything is possible but try to restict answers to things that could actually be achieved.

Thanks :)




  1. Nuclear Fusion. Free & clean forever

  2. More cures for diseases. (Diabetes, cancer and AIDS especially)

  3. Tooth stemcell replacement six years ago they said it would happen in the next five years, I am still waiting

  4. this machine which split your body into atomic sized particles and transported you really easily..

    like, you steo into this machine in New Delhi, and a second later you're atomically raditated to New York and re-assembled..

  5. A way of significantly slowing down the aging process to an extent which would extend the lifespan by at least 50% (and in a way which would be cheap enough to produce and apply that it would be accessible by everyone).

    The first (scientific) part of this is reasonable. There is much research being done in this area. The second (financial) part is probably not very realistic, unfortunately.

  6. A cure for diabetes (my wife is a type 1 diabetic)

  7. cure for cancer! Too many good people are killed every day by this horrible disease, it affects us all...

  8. Something reasonable? Higher efficiency for current nuclear plants. Everything else that has been said (cure for cancer, diabetes, nuclear fusion) will NOT happen in five years or even 20 years.

  9. Obviously a cure for everything from cancer to AIDS, diabetes and every other life threatening disease.

  10. A zero pollution, renewable power source low priced enough to obsolete all the oil and coal fired plants.

  11. A 1-pill, permanent cure for athlete's foot.

  12. a cure for cancer. ( :

  13. the first autonomous robot with advanced programming.

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