
What score did u guys get on the NYS living environment and integrated algebra regents?

by Guest64997  |  earlier

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I got an 80 on living environment and 82 on integrated algebra




  1. i got a 98 on the integrated algebra regents but didnt take any science regents cuz im in 7th grade and thers no advanced science til 8th(im in 2 years advanced math, i go to a good public school)

  2. i got 85 in living environment(yes i know thats bad) and 99 in the integrated algebra regents

  3. I got a 94 on integrated algebra and a 96 on earth science. I'm in 8th grade. (advanced)

  4. I'm also in 8th grade advanced...

    Integrated Algebra = 96%

    Earth Science = 95%

    We also took the Proficiency for a 2nd language (mine was Spanish) and I got a 92% on that.

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