
What score do you need to play pro?

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i score 82 average. what score do i need to be in PGA




  1. I had a friend who was a scratch golfer at an Australian Open qualifier course. Bob Shearer (Aust PGA touring pro) who was also a member of the club, suggested that on their  home course, my mate should shoot 70 on an average day, 72 on a bad day and be regularly shooting 64-67 (ie about a +4 or +5 handicap). It's his home course, he knows every blade of grass and leaf, every hump and swale. You have to shoot 70 on a course two days in a row, after only two practice rounds just to make the cut many weeks.

    Have you ever played with a scratch golfer? The difference between them and you (and me - 9 marker) is the difference between a touring pro and a scratch club golfer.

    Sorry mate, but unless you're twelve years old, you've got a long way to go. It's a great game to play for fun, but hard work to play for work - even if you're Tiger Woods.



  2. If you score 82 on average, you're about a 8 handicap.  The players on tour are about 4-7 shots better than scratch and Tiger has been recorded at about a plus 10 handicap.'re about 12-16 shots per round of the pace.  You couldnt make the practice team at a division 3 golf team averaging 82.

  3. What kind of question is this?  Have you never watched professional golfers play?  You shoot in the 80s, pros shoot in the low 70s and 60s.  

    Keep on practicing

  4. You should probably be able to constantly shoot mid 60's on your HOME COURSE before you would probably even stand a chance at Q-School on PGA Tour course conditions.

  5. probly  77 on elite courses i base this of nothing though

  6. If you have $15K you can go to Q-school and compete with other aspiring golfers who want to turn pro.  The golfers play 6 rounds.  The top 25 golfers get their PGA tour card.

    Unfortunately, scoring 82 each day more than likely will not get you in the top 25.  It more like in the low 70's high 60's.  Also keep in mind course setup.  If you are playing on a public course, the condition are no where near the conditions of a PGA tour course.  Your 82 may rise a little.

    Good luck.

  7. Tell you what buddy, if you are even asking that question you aren't good enough to even play on the Nationwide Tour. It seems that you have no real idea how much time and effort it takes to do what the guys on the PGA tour do. But if you are aspiring to become pro you can take a different route and try and pass you PAT (player ability test). In this case you play 36 holes in the same day and have to shoot a given number or lower, it is quit easy and if you can't do that then you should spend more time on the practice range, or green and less time asking stupid questions on yahoo.

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