
What search your always using? goggle search or yahoo search or any others?

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can you type coolingstar9 on your search, I want to know my site whether can be appeared on your country? please indicate the country"s name. thanks for your help.




  1. I like Google. But if I don't get enough relevant results, I do try other search engines such as AltaVista and Live Search.

    Coolingstar9 is a unique handle. As such, I don't think any search engines would have trouble coming up with hits on it, hence you don't have anything to worry about.

  2. Normally I use both search engines. Also Opera but just google and yahoo already sufficient.

    I am from Malaysia - I do not exactly know what you mean by "type coolingstar9 on your seach" Anyway I'll try and search just by typing what you want.....and, if there is any worthwhile response, I'll let you know later. Have a great day!

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