
What sentence does this woman deserve (read the story )?

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  1. I think she should get the Maximum penalty of 20 years....without the possibility of early parole.

    I followed this story when it first came out...and the myspace site was still up. From everything I've read the woman doesn't feel any guilt or remorse for her actions at all.

  2. leave her alone... all alone I mean..No one even interacts with her...

  3. Death for Bully

  4. she's sick what a stupid thing to do her own daughter has to live with that for the rest of her life I don't know what 's a suitable sentance.

  5. 10-15 years and let her be publically shamed during this time by cleaning litter from the streets and wearing a placard saying EXACTLY what she did.

    No comfy cell & counsellng for you!!!

  6. life imprisonment

  7. She deserves a death sentence to stop others from such indulgence in future. She had conspired to lead the innocent girl to death. She should be sent to gallows or if there is something worse.

  8. I've read this story before. Horrible thing to do to someone. I don't know about life, but she should get a serious sentence. I think however the guilt she will live with forever will be a harsh punishment.

  9. I was about to say 'kids are cruel' and then i got to the twist.

    What a sick woman!!!  I say the whole 20yrs, but not life.

  10. Life imprisonment is the worst for if she dies then there is no time for guilt and remorse to kick in.

  11. She deserves a tough punishment. Her actions were irresponsible and honestly childish. However, I believe that there is a whole lot more to the story because a comment such as the world would be better without you by itself wouldn't drive a person to suicide. I believe it would take a lot more even for a terribly insecure person.

  12. 20 years she's old enough to know better and should not have participated in such bullying.  i cant believe a mother would be that cruel to a young girl.

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