
What sentence would you pass for a man who murders his wife

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This judge thought stopping the murderer from going to the pub is a just punishment !!!!




  1. LMAO...Sounds like the judge probably knew the dudes wife.She was probably askin for it...I would say the judge did the right thing...

  2. Depends on the circumstances !

  3. Sorry but I think this is fair. They were married for 59 years - he suffers with dementia and this truly was a "moment of madness". Usually I'm a "lock them up and throw away the key" kind of person but anyone who has experience of anyone with dementia will know what a truly debilating condition it is. This man is gravely ill and needs help, by sending him to prison this wouldn't have happened - as the judge said, the prison is simply not equipped to care for him.

    I feel sorry for him, he is ill. His life sentence is knowing that he killed his wife, but not knowing why.

  4. Should have been sent to a secure mental hospital, Broadmoor for example. What planet are these Judges on

  5. I think the judge is probably a better source of sentencing than the Yahoo answers system. If you read the article, it clearly stated that the man was of declining mental health and that the prisons wouldn't have held him for long - this punishment was more applicable to this particular man.

  6. Life imprisonment!

  7. Investigate into why this was caused then...most likely it would not be premetited....2 life sentences...50 years probation in 2040

  8. These are not easy cases. You really have to read the media accounts closely and read between the lines. Remember, the media sees their job as getting you stirred up, and if there's something in the facts that make you less upset, they downplay it. Here, the guy appears to have significant and progressive dementia, and he may be now close to being dead, if you accept that you cease to exist when there's no "you" in your head anymore. The point is that, unless you have genuine detailed knowledge of the facts, any judgment you make from the media is just guessing.  

  9. life. without ever getting out

  10. OMG!

    He Should Have Been Given Life!

    If A Police Officer Was Strangled By Him They Would Have Gave Him A Life Sentence!

  11. Life sentence

  12. First glimpse of this and it does look crazy, but as the judge said the prison wouldn't be able to hold him for medical grounds and he would be released, thats fair do's.

    But then could he not be sent to somewhere like broadmoor or an equivalent secure hospital.

    There needs to be a custodial sentence given to any murder in my eyes as a way of deterrent if nothing else :)

  13. Life without parole!  Let him remember each day what he did!

  14. Serve house arrest for life-WITH HIS MOTHER-IN-LAW!!!  (If that was me, I'd be asking for the death penalty)

  15. Have you ever been in contact with someone who has murdered a spouse.  Well I must admit I have, its not a nice thing to do  but people can be pushed beyond their limits. Mental curelty  springs to mind.

  16. Life in jail.

  17. Give Him the GAS!

  18. He should have got life

  19. death penalty, simple as that, lets hope he doesn't remarry and kill again

  20. I like the american style of sentencing

    over ther you can get 5 life sentences and 99 years on top

    i live near a young lad who raped his gran and he got three years !!! how can that be fair ?

  21. No he didnt. The guy has dementia, it wasnt premeditated. plus he is going to be a drooling vegetable before this sentence is up and dementia sufferers tend to die very quickly. You should be comforted by that.

  22. shake him by the hand saying life sentance completedyour now free

  23. Capital punishment. Fairest (if 1st degree murder)

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