
What series of books (or book) do you think has had the most influence on you and why?

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Sometimes a great book can add so much to our lives. I am curious as to which book that might be for others. My own pick is the Bible, and a close second would be Lord of the Rings because of the good that triumphs over the evil.




  1. i would have to say the Quran and so far there are too many books that have influenced me , which i cant name right now .  

  2. The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.  I'm going through a tumultuous period in my life, and Plath's character really expresses the stuff that I can't say myself.

  3. Okay how dorky does this sound, but Harry Potter has had the most influence. I don't know why but its really touched my heart.

  4. The bible.  It made me a Christian and it made me an atheist.

    After that, Colin Wilson's "The Outsider": the first place I saw myself depicted and correctly analysed, in print.

  5. The Bible influences me but anything by Ellen Hopkins has really made me think about my life. I have lost many friends to drug and alcohol abuse. A few people I know have talked about committing suicide and I have even lost a family member due to suicide. Ellen Hopkins does a wonderful job on getting inside of people's heads that are alcoholics, people that have been abused, people that have been raped, people who do drugs, people who want to kill themselves. My favorite book by her is "Impulse". Also check out "Crank", "Glass", "Burned", and her newest book "Identical".

  6. exodus and zenith by julie bertagna are about the earth in the future, where the earth is flooding, and this girl has to get off her island before it floods.

    it has had so much influence on me because i dont want this sort of thing to happen, so it has persuaded me to recycle, and bother about global warming.

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