
What service really offers more HD? Cable or Direct TV?

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What service really offers more HD? Cable or Direct TV?




  1. DirectTV by FAR!  They are up to almost 75 now with more on the way.  Cable has more HD only if you count individual "on demand" shows and such.  If you notice they claim "more HD content" which is significantly different than "HD channels".


  2. chicken sandwich

  3. DirecTV by a significant margin.  Verizon's FiOS has a comparable lineup to DirecTV, though.

  4. I have Comcast HD service and almost puke every time I see one of their commercials. Direct TV blows out Comcast in HD Channel comparison. Yes I know I'm complaining about the service I use but there are other ups and downs to both sides of the Dish or no Dish argument. I think I got like 20 or so HD channels total. Last I checked Direct TV had close to 50!

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