
What services do people in the usa tip for ?

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What services do people in the usa tip for ?




  1. Food service, hotel service, bar serivce, etrc.  Personally, I only tip with the service warrants it.  That particular rule irks some because of the ways some establishments handle tips.  But I do not believe in rewarding someone for less than above average.  Unless the person is new & is truly puttong forth a great effort.

  2. Waiters/servers for your meal

    taxi drivers

    bus drivers

    tour guides

    hair dressers

    bell boys who carry your luggage or provide a personal service

    golf caddies

    valet service drivers

    sometimes motel/hotel maids

  3. It is acceptable to give anyone a tip, so long as the service you recieve is what you wanted.

    most often,

    waiters waitresses ( in the states tips are what waiters and waitresses live off of, being that they only make around 3$ and hour)

    hair dressers

    hotel staff

    Bar tenders

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