
What set of wedges should I buy?

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I'm thinking about getting a new set of wedges for my bag. I was thinking either taylormade or cleveland and I was wonder what loft I should get. I was thinking either a 47 or 48, 52, 56, 60 or maybe a 50, 54, 58 which one is better. I am a 13 handicap




  1. Potatoe wedges mmmmmmmm

  2. akkkk. i clicked on this thinking it ment shoe wedges.


  3. Wedges should have about 4* of loft difference between them.  You probably already have a PW (I'll guess 48* since that's typical), so I would suggest a gap wedge (52*), sand wedge (56*) and a lob wedge (60*).  That's what I carry (8.2 index).  I probably use the SW and PW the most, followed by the LW and the gap.

  4. If you read Pelz or even the latest golf magazine, they would encourage you to have as many wedges as you can get in your 14 clubs, equal spaces degrees of loft, and practice hitting shots at 50%, 75%, and full swings.  

    So in your case, 48, 52, 56, and 60, each with different bounces, would give you 16 distances between full 48 and 50% 60.

  5. Im not to familiar with Taylormade or cleveland but you should look into milled wedges, I would recommend Eidelon wedges due to their customer service.

  6. If I were you I would buy the Titleist Vokey Design set of wedges. 52* for your typical bump n' run, 56* for escaping the sand or short approaches to the green, and 60* to get over obstacles and get the ball up in the air and stop on a dime

  7. Be sure what you need!!!   Then by all means check with your local golf professional for his advice.  If you are truly a 13 handicap, then certain wedges may not be for you.  The  different loft...the lie...the bounce degree...many factors come in to "play" other than just buying a wedge.  Rule of thumb...ask...test..(if you can)...and read.  You'll find at most courses selling golf clubs that they have informational folders from the manufacturer that details the different clubs and what each one is best suited to do.

  8. go with the 58 cleveland, cleveland is one of if not the best wedge companies, i have a 58 degree and it is awsome, it pops up so nicely, 54 is too steep, you can't get any air with it and 60 is a bit too lofty, 58 is your best bet

  9. Check the loft on your pitching wedge.  Mine is 45 degrees.  In that case you may consider 50, 54, 58.  If the PW is a 48, then go with the 52, 56, 60.

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