
What setup for learning regular or goofy?

by Guest66968  |  earlier

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Earlier I asked If I was regular or goofy. Thanks for the answers and help you guys gave. To reiterate I have been riding regular and I have my power foot in the back. I just feel sometimes I am leaning back sometimes and kicking the board around with my back foot a little too much. Im going boarding tommorrow and I wanted to know if you guys thought this was a good idea. Im going to center my bindings on my board as much as possible and put both binding angles at 0 degrees. Im just gonna try both ways with no angles on bindings and see what works. Just to clarify Im suppose to steer the board with my front foot and put more weight on front foot, correct? Should I ever kick the back of board around? Where does your power leg normally go?




  1. Brian,  

                you steer the snowboard with the following movements.Pressure, Pivot, tilt,twist, You will use both feet for this.  Don't put the ole bindings on @ 0.   Stand in front of your deck as comfortable as possible. Completely relaxed with your knees bent just a .little bit, in the athletic stance. Look down @ your feet, now put your bindings on the deck just like your feet are right now.

    Not sure about this power leg stuff, but you really need to figure out what foot is going to be your front foot, i suppose this could be considered your "power leg" Once you have established that your good to go. You have to focus on not leaning back at all.. When you lean back you lose all control of your snowboard. The edges on the snowboard make you turn, when the edges aren't making contact with the ground ( leaning back)  Your going to fall..  Its OK to use your back foot a little more than your front foot. Do whatever is comfortable except leaning back.   I have been riding for a while and still fall only b/c I lean back riding switch. Its the body's natural reaction to lean back. It feels safer but its definitely not. Good luck, Hope this helps, if you want more hit me with an email

  2. im goofy ^^

  3. Well a 0, 0 stance is pretty tuff, i have a friend that rides that stance and he does alot of tricks. You usually guide your board with your backfoot because the tail of the board decided were you go.

  4. Yes you do put more weight on the front foot but no you don't need to steer with it.

    You control your board with weight shifts from your heel to toe and your feet play completely different roles.  As a beginner/early intermediate you shouldn't be kicking your foot out much at all.

    I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "power leg" but it might might help clarify things if you figure out which leg should be forward, not just which one you're using.

    Have a friend push you from behind (gently!) and see which leg goes out.  Slide across a wooden/tile/shiny floor and see which foot leads.  Step down from a bench or step and see which foot leads.  That'll tell you which leg should be your front leg.

    Either switch it up or just keep riding like you are and your body will learn which way to go.  Setting your bindings at 0 isn't the best idea, if anything duck them out a bit like a park rider so that when you're leading your foot actually feels like it's leading.

  5. start with what you are comfortable with.  but don't stick to it!  you need to be able to ride both ways if you want to be any good.

  6. You should go with the regular stance if that feels natural. You are riding correctly when you lean back and steer with your front foot, especially for powder riding.  

    On the packed snow you still want to put more weight on your back foot but you dont need to lift with the front foot like you do on powder (to keep the tip from sinking).

    The time that you need to whip the board around with the back foot is when you want to slide sideways down the slope (like you are stopping).

    Basically, the more you turn sideways, the more you balance your weight evenly on your feet. And u shouldnt go with 0 degrees o your bindings, go 12 or 15 on the front and -9 on the back (so your feet are "duck footed") and slightly wider than your shoulders. Good luck.

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