
What sexual orientation is this?

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Say a female cares more about personality than gender and would be open to dating either s*x. The more female-like a person is, the more likely she is to be attracted to that person. Not necessarily feminine, just more like a female. She finds both sexes attractive. Girls turn her on. Guys don't, but she thinks some of them are hot. She has fantasies about both girls and guys. She doesn't have a desire to have s*x with either gender. If someone seems interested in her, she is very likely to become interested in that person. She can even fall in love with a person if they love her back. But if nobody is into her at the moment, she finds herself only attracted to girls. With guys, she enjoys the attention that they give her. However, she gets uncomfortable and weirded out whenever they do anything besides give her a hug, even something innocent such as holding her hand. When her main focus is on guys, she dreads getting into a relationship, even a two-week one, is totally repulsed by the idea of marriage, and doesn't get the point of love. When her main focus is on girls, she can't wait to have a girlfriend and often thinks about what her future wife and family would be like. She has never been with a girl before, but she has gone a bit further than a hug with a girl before and liked it. When she isn't focusing on either gender, she isn't opposed to being with a guy, but never thinks about being with one, unless one happens to like her. She still thinks about being with girls.

What sexual orientation would you call what I just described? Please don't tell me that labels don't matter or anything like that. I just need to know what you would call this.

Thanks ♥




  1. I think she has some deep issues that have nothing to do with sexual orientation "Bi, straight or L*****n" I'm not Dr Phil or anything but I would be will to bet she has been messed with by someone? This is a hard subject to approach with her so I'm not sure I would bring it up? If I were you I would wait for her to bring the subject up then be there to support her the best you can.  

  2. Sexuality is a spectrum, there is no 100% either way. From everything I read, I would say that you are predominately g*y, with slight bisexual tendencies. That being said, it's your choice to identify as whatever you'd like. Remember, you absolutely do not have to label yourself, but I can understand how you would like to know anyways.

  3. I am very similar to what you described and I've never been "messed with" or raped.  I'd say this much:

    You are a L*****n, and may match well with a Butch-L*****n. I'm not sure how old you are, but I went through this as well.

    I admire the fact that you wrote this so specifically and didn't care how ppl judged you in this community, because trust me, they will.

  4. Mine, haha. ;)

    I'm currently in the process of accepting myself as being pretty much a L*****n.  

  5. I'm basically the same way, I love feminine characteristics and I've come to realize that feminine characteristics exist in all genders. When I'm with people that realize that sexuality isn't just one specific thing I claim to be pansexual but when I get around idiots like the guy who said there are only three sexualities I'm pretty much a L*****n.

  6. Everyone is bisexual.  We all rate somewhere on a scale that defines our homosexuality and our heterosexuality.

    I'd say, from your post, she's a 90/20, perhaps 90/30.  I would call that L*****n, bordering on bisexuality.

    But, only she knows for sure.

  7. Bisexual, I suppose. But if she doesn't want to sleep with them, maybe it's asexual. I dunno. Or, maybe she's just confused/too young to decide right now.  

  8. There are only three orientations... g*y, straight, and bi... how hard could it be to figure it out?

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