
What sexual orientation should I raise my child as?

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My wife just gave birth to our 3rd child. We had two daughters before and we tried to raise them as good Christians. But despite our best efforts, our oldest has turned to homosexuality. We tried every thing to help her and now she won't even talk to us. Now our third child was born with 47% female features and 53% male. I want to raise my child right and not repeat the same mistakes we made with our first. We have decided to keep our oldest away from or youngest so she can not effect her. The only real issue we have now is we do not know what we should raise our youngest as, let alone name them. The doctor says it's allot safer to make the child female, despite having less female features. But is that what God wants? I just don't know what to do. Should I just tell them to remain abstinent for their entire life? Please help us, and God Bless!




  1. I think it's completely despicable that you've turned against your eldest child. They are free to make up their own minds, and live their lives the way they want to. She's your daughter, and I'm not surprised she won't talk to you - she doesn't want your help, she wants you to accept her for who she is. It's up to her how she lives her life, and I'm sorry to "attack your beliefs", but people like you completely disgust me.

    As for your newborn child, I'd follow the doctors advice, regardless of what "God" wants. And leave them to make up their own mind about their sexuality. The mistakes you made with your first were not that she ended up homosexual - which there is absolutely nothing wrong with - but that, when she did, you tried to change her and thought of it as a bad thing. I'm really, really glad I don't have you as parents - I know I can rely on my parents to be there for me and not try to change me no matter what sexuality, religion, etc I end up.

  2. Hasn't it occurred to you that your oldest daughter didn't choose to be g*y?  I mean your youngest has now come out literally half and half but you don't see that there's something happening in the womb I guess.  You can't make that choice for her.  Stop using God to justify your own hates and fears.

  3. I don't know how you came up with your percentage of features, but it looks like it has more male features than female, so I would raise it as a male for now but in the future as he gets older and if he starts showing more of a feminine attitude talk to her and let her tell you how she feels and if she wants to be female let her but be prepared to move to a new school district so she will not be ostracized and picked on and just give her all the love and support she needs in her life because people who suffer from identity crisis and homosexuality have a higher incidence of suicide. Good Luck and God Bless

  4. bi, that way they get the best and worst of both!! Cheers!

  5. When the child is 9 - 13, ask them who they are sexually attracted to. Then remove the organs. What if they don't want to be one gender? Hey! It's possible. They might find someone to marry them who is understandable and accepts both parts of them.

    But until then, raise them "neutrally". Wear neutral colors and stay away from things that are girls vs boys oriented.

    If I was born with more than one sexual organ, I would be VERY angry if my parents chose the wrong gender for me.

  6. You got what you deserve. Your "god" is punishing you. How do like that ?

  7. I am going to definitely remember you in my prayers. I wouldn't come here for an answer though, because some of these people on here are really rude. They will say anything just to be mean. I am sooo sorry that you are going through this, but just remember this, that child is special to the Lord  and He loves that child so much and He knows that you are going to have to make a big decision. Go straight to Him and pray about it, He alone will give you the best answer. I can reassure you this. He has never ever let me down. I am praying for you and your family. God Bless.

    P.s. Pay no attention to any of these rude people. I am going to report a few of them. I can't believe them....It's terrible

  8. You sound really do. 47% female FEATURES!!!!!!!!!!!  wtf does that even MEAN??

    there are XXY cases A male with extra female hormone.......but you can not FORCE someone to be attracted to a particular s*x .....attraction is involuntary..all you would be doing is FORCING them to DENY their true nature......and THAT is just WRONG!!

    Shame on you!

  9. More importantly what does the child want?It's their life you're tampering with, you don't want them to resent you.

  10. It must be hard being faced with such a wealth of bigotries to go for. I mean, most families are presented only with the opportunity to pursue 1 or maybe 2 Christian bigotries if they are lucky. You have the chance - with one set of children - to work your way through almsot the whole gamut. And you can alternate with one of the children. Way to go for you.

    Of course, as an alternative you could put the evils of Christianity behind you and actually love your children.

  11. Does your child have male or female genitalia? Does your child have a uterus?  I would think that would determine the gender.  

  12. Stay away from the surgeon!  Don't you dare touch this little person.  Let the child determine what gender feels like the true identity.  Imagine if the child grows up sensing that the true gender is male and you had a surgeon make the child into a female.  

  13. Maybe she could be hetero 4 days of the week, and homo the other 3?

    Or maybe just homosexual on weekends?

  14. OMG...let your child be whatever they want to be....if you're a true God lover than you would accept and love your child no matter what just as God has!

  15. After reading one of your previous questions, I can see that you are a TROLL.

    Your question:  How do you get someone off you in an orgy without making a scene?

    In Other - Family & Relationships - Asked by i_am_out_to_ruin_thi... - 7 answers - 43 minutes ago - Open

  16. It sounds like you are talking about a puppy. well the runt caught some cooties from the fifth one in the litter so you must separate it until further notice. I believe your child should be allowed to make his or her decision as best he/she wants to live it. I think as parents you should be supportive. A little bit of both worlds sounds kinda interesting. I love yahoo.  

  17. Let me're probably from the south?

    You two are horrible parents. Let you're children decide who they are and love and support them the way you would if they were, in your terms "normal". God did not put people on earth to raise their kids telling them who they can and cannot love.

    Everything you've done to your eldest child and now to you're youngest is taking away from their happiness.  

  18. I'm going to assume you're not kidding.  There is nothing a parent can do to change a child's sexual orientation.  Maybe she's right not to talk to you, if you keep trying to.  

    If I understand you, I assume you mean the child is intersex.  This is not the same thing as sexual orientation.  The doctor might try to pressue you into having surgery done, but you would be making a big mistake.  What if the surgery makes her look like a girl and she decides later she was supposed to be male?  This has been a living nightmare for some intersex people.  Don't do surgery. Let her make up her own mind later.

    You can give her a neutral name, like Chris, and if she acts like a tomboy, it won't be a problem. Then if she decides she should have been a boy, the transition will be easier for her.

    To learn more on intersex conditions, go here:

  19. Sexual orientation is not a choice.  Be good loving parents, enrich their lives and let them make their own way through life.

  20. Sexuality is innate. The child will however not always show his or her sexuality until they hit puberty. People do not "choose" sexuality is is part of who they are. Do nothing why do you get to decide for your child? Because you are Christian I suggest you pray about these decisions and ask God what He wants. A child can have abnormal anatomy and still be accepted and a Christian. You should worry more about God wants and less about what other people think.

  21. I apologize for being way too intelligent to believe you are anything but a poser.

    And you are only revealing your complete ignorance about Christianity.

  22. What kind of help were you providing for your oldest daughter? Do you read the Bible at all?

    Hardly any Christian knows King Melchizedek... He was very fond of the Sodomites... and I wonder why is it that Christians never celebrate Abraham as the liberator of the Sodomites? Obviously, homophobia is deeply rooted in Christianity.

    Sodom was invaded and looted (Gen 14). Lot, his family and most of the Sodomites were captured and taken to be sold as slaves, but their King Bera managed to escape. Abraham is told about it. He arms his slaves and goes about 200 miles north in hot pursue of the invaders. Abraham defeats them. Abraham recovers all the loot. Also, he liberates Lot and his family, and all the Sodomites! The liberated Sodomites must have danced naked before Abraham in celebration of joy all the way home. This was repeated when King David brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Jerusalem. He exposed his genitals dancing naked before the LORD and some slave girls, too! Abraham became the national hero in the Kingdom of Sodom!

    When Abraham and all the rescued Sodomites were safely returning home they were greeted by King Bera of Sodom and King Melchizedek* (*Christian theologians claim that he was JESUS in one of his epiphanies--Heb 7:1-3). King Melchizedek brought out bread and wine to celebrate Abraham's genuine "mission accomplished" liberating the Sodomites! King Bera of Sodom and King Melchizedek of Jerusalem were bosom buddies… to say the least!!!

    Genesis 14:17-18 (NIV)

    After Abram returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh… Then Melchizedek king of Salem* (*The ONLY Epiphany of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament and it happened in relation to a Sodomite issue!) brought out BREAD AND WINE* (*type of Holy Communion with Abraham and the King of Sodom partaking!). He was priest of God Most High,

    In the course of this celebration God forced Abraham to take a solemn oath not to accept any compensation money from King Bera for rescuing the Sodomites in spite of the fact that he risked his own life doing it… and who knows how many HIGHLY MOTIVATED of his slaves were killed in battle! IT WAS ALL ON ABRAHAM'S ACCOUNT! The Sodomites are highly honored before the Bible God! Abraham already got a big fortune from the MIGHTY King of Egypt and later on from the King of Gerar when these kings picked up Abraham’s old sister/wife Sarah for s*x and God forced these kings to compensate dearly to Abraham. They actually made him filthy rich in spite of the fact that Abraham was an illiterate Hebrew shepherd pimping his own sister/wife/hooker around, but Abraham was not to accept a Penny from the King of Sodom! Homosexuals are right to be mad at the Most Reverend Doctor Dobson and the Christian Clergy at large because they hide these facts from the lay tithe paying Christians!

    Shortly after these episodes God Almighty needs to personally come down to Earth from Heaven to investigate what is going on in Sodom! NOTHING THAT WAS GOING ON IN SODOM EVER BOTHERED GOD EXCEPT THAT SOMEBODY COMPLAINED… there was an “outcry”!!! (Gen 18:20-21) Somebody was getting hurt real badly! Maybe there were some angels hurting, too. They were very knowledgeable about Sodom because they knew where to bunk at night (Gen 19:2)! Lot forced them to spend the night with him in his house. And Sodom is destroyed just for the heck of it! THERE IS PLENTY OF EVIDENCE IN THE BIBLE that the morality of the Sodomites was far superior than that of the Holy Incestuous Lot, and that of JERUSALEM!!! Christians refuse to discuss this whole episode!!! They don’t want to let anybody know that the Bible God is promising that he will FULLY RESTORE SODOM to the state that it was just before it was destroyed! (Eze 16:53,55)  God must do that before the end of the world!!! Nowhere in the Bible is written that the Sodomites need to repent or apologize for their conduct, but God promised them FULL RESTORATION!!! This is the surest sign of the end! We are beginning to see same s*x marriages already… Praise the LORD! Sweet Jesus! Amen? God admitted that he made a mistake creating Adam alone and had to create Eve as an afterthought. According to the Bible, the full restoration of Sodom follows the same routine!

    Only the incestuous Holy Lot is saved out of Sodom. He lost his wife. He was getting drunk and had s*x with his young virgin daughters until he got them positively pregnant all under the watchful eye of God Almighty. God was so delighted watching Lot doing his young virgin daughters that he declared him a Holy and Righteous man throughout the Bible, Old and New Testaments! That’s about the most significant event that we know of Holy Lot’s life. This is all in the Bible that Christians want to ignore and never mention to anybody to the hurt of the g*y community including this confession of King David’s love for Jonathan! King David was at least BISEXUAL...! HE WAS NOT HIDING IN THE CLOSET ON HIS g*y SIDE! He was the King of Israel! He was a man patterned “after God’s own heart!” No Christian would dare to question him, or do they?!

    1 Samuel 18:1, 3-4 (NIV)  After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.  [3-4] And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.

    1 Samuel 19:2a (KJV) But Jonathan Saul's son delighted much in David:* (*why so? Jonathan was a nobody!)  

    1 Samuel 20:30 (KJV) Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman* (*SOB), do not I know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse* (*David) to thine own confusion* (*Are you g*y or what?), and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness?* (*We do have some heavy sexual issues to “interpret” here that the Christian clergy is masking.) [41b] and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

    So at the death of Jonathan, the newly installed King David was grieved beyond measure!

    2 Samuel 1:26 (NIV)

    I grieve for you, Jonathan my brother;

    you were very dear to me.

    Your love for me was wonderful,


    Only g*y men can truly and positively interpret this portion of Holy Scripture! So would you prevent the marriage of two men who feel that their love to each other is Biblically MORE WONDERFUL THAN THAT OF WOMEN??? Can the Bible God the Holy Ghost who inspired the infallible Bible writers be dead wrong about men loving each other??? One has to be a VERY EVIL CHRISTIAN person to think so to deny any same s*x marriage!!! The same principle is applied to any 2 women loving each other!  THERE IS NO LAW WHATSOEVER IN THE BOOK OF THE LAW OF GOD AGAINST LESBIANS LOVING EACH OTHER (Only Saint Paul hates Lesbians in the Bible)! The Christian clergy led by the Pope and supported by practically all the Protestants deny this natural God given pleasure to the general public so they can make Christians feel guilty on one more sin that they need to service! But almost everybody knows that MANY preachers and clergypersons indulge themselves in homosexual activities inside of their closets… until they get caught… and some of them doing it with minors! Obviously the “God changing power” has no effect whatsoever on them! Christianity is a fraud! In our day and age if Christianity is to survive the Bible needs to be rewritten to make it fair and more explicit to science and to all people… even to pregnant women IN NEED of an abortion!!! Actually, the Bible ambiguously addresses all these issues, but the clergy is in control of all the interpretations to suit a particular brand of faith!

  23. Don't try to make them what you or what anyone else wants. When your son/daughter is old enough he/she should decide which orientation he/she feels most comfortable with, not you or anyone else. And as for your first daughter if you raised her to believe homosexuality is wrong why would she chose to become one? Because it's not a choice! The Bible and God shouldn't be as near as important as your children anyway!

  24. This is clearly a joke, otherwise I am scared.

  25. You don't raise children to be one orientation or the other(s).  They choose as they grow up.

  26. Atheists like you do your group no favors...

  27. Sorry to hear of your problems, but your knowledge of these matters seems medieval.  Your eldest daughter's homosexual

    preferences are far more likely due to her genes than to her upbringing. A view supported by the condition of your youngest child. God made her like that. Give the girl the love and support she needs, not self-righteous condemnation.

    As for your youngest child, it is vital that you bring her up as the doctors recommend.  In medical matters God speaks to you through them. If necessary take a second opinion from a psychiatric specialist, but I am sure he also will recommend as a woman. Never mind the small differences in the percentages. What mattes most is the psychological pressures she will face later in life.

  28. Treat them normally, they will decide on their own how they want to grow up. Don't push them one way or another.

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