
What shall I do instead???

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I'm getting married in England and going back to the states to have my official wedding at the local church. My sister lives there and says we should have a girlie night out but me I rather stay at a hotel with my friends and a few bottles of beer. Which opinion shall I choose as I don't want to get too drunk and can't remember the wedding at all. what shall I do instead???




  1. Personally, I'd go with the party that you're happiest with (the hotel and friends and beers), but if you want your sister to feel included, you can make some compromises that include things your sister wants to do. What kind of girlie night out does she want? Maybe you can do "girl stuff" at the hotel with your friends - paint your nails, dress up really cute, play silly hen's night games.

    Also, it's good that you don't want to get too drunk to remember your wedding! Just keep yourself in check, no matter what the plans are. Drink plenty of water, and don't feel bad saying no to another drink if you're feeling like you've had too many.

  2. Its your Big Day..

    You do what you want to do..

    Maybe do it after your married... get hammerd :P

  3. How about a relaxing dinner out (somewhere informal but not fast food), then to the hotel to hang out, play some games, etc.  

  4. Why not get your sister too to the hotel with you and your friends? Am sure you'll all enjoy it. :) And congrats for your wedding.

  5. Just be honest with your sister, I am sure she will understand.  Afterall, it is YOUR wedding.

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