
What shall I do with the neighbors chicken that has landed in my compound?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Compound it in the butt.

    Land your compound in the chicken.

  2. cut it's head off and see how long it will live for.

    The record is 2 weeks.

    Or raise it because they can't properly take care of their animals.  

  3. ask it why chickens feel compelled to "cross the road".  

  4. give it back to neighbor. if ur annoyed, tell him next time its ur dinner.

  5. FREE DINNER!!!! yay!!!  

  6. I think it's time to have a good old home style chicken dinner.  It's trespassing and your getting hungry.

  7. Two tablespoons of worcestershire sauce and one chopped onion and tow cans of mushroom soup

  8. Take good care of it until your neighbor comes to get it....  It wouldn't be a crime to steal a few eggs in the process either.

  9. make fried

  10. hm look after the chicken carefully and handover the chicken safely to your neighbour ok.

    do this if ur a non veg also.

  11. Barbecue it and eat it and make d**n sure your kids never wander into the neighbor's compound

  12. A great revenge.Make your duck land on your neighbour's compound.

  13. call ur neighbour, tell him u found a chicken in ur compound & ask him if he thinks its his

  14. return it :)

    They might not be to concerned, or even care, but at least YOU are doing the right thing.

  15. Not sure, but DON'T choke it.

  16. Well... do you like to eat chicken?

  17. Eat her! Or Return her.

  18. winner, winner, chicken dinner!

  19. return it to avoid legal action! :D

  20. kill it, skin it, gut it, cut it, cook it, have a barbeque and invite your neighbor!!!! YAAAAAYYY

    everyones happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Get the shake and bake, oven at 350....yum

  22. your compound?  well I think the chicken is the least of your worries... I think the fbi is looking to raid your compound any day now.

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