
What shall I have for my dinner tonight?

by  |  earlier

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need to go to Asda on my lunch break and do some shopping what should i get for my dinner ?




  1. In N Out fast and delicious :}

  2. pizza, my faveeeee

  3. get spaghetti and capsicums and onions and mushrooms and bacon and pasta sauce

    make urself yummy pasta!  

  4. any monkeys food or Banana

  5. 2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun!

  6. try this: eggplant parmesan,with spagetti & garlic bread---thats what i'm having you can join me if you like.I have enough for 2.Need some red wine to go with it.

  7. It depends on what you like - do you like chilly? It is fast and it goes well with white rice.  Total preparation time is 30-35 minutes.

    You will need ground meat - beef chuck (less greasy), 1 can of red beans, 1 can of tomato sauce, garlic powder, salt, pepper, (Goya) Sazone (use half a packet) - (Goya) sofrito and hot sauce (if you like it hot)....oh and rice.

    Before you start your chilly - start boiling the water for the rice - 2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice - add salt and one cap of oil.

    Season the ground meat thoroughly - with salt/pepper and garlic powder - Brown the meat in a deep pan or small pot - add 2 big spoons of sofrito, let it sauté for about 3 minutes, throw in the olives and the beans, as well as half a can of sauce and half a packet of Sazone and hot sauce depending on how hot you like it - add one cup of water and let it simmer.  Then throw your rice in to cook (it should be boiling) - set the fire on a medium flame - put a piece of aluminum foil over the pot and cover it with a lid (my mother taught me that trick it helps cook faster) - let the rice cook for about 20 minutes but check it and stir it at least once.  Remember to check on the chilly so that it does not dry up - add a little more water if you need to.  Once the rice is thoroughly cooked, you will be ready to eat - you can either put the chilly on top of the rice or on the side.

    This meal can be changed just by taking leaving out the beans - that would be called Picadillo and it is just as good.  It is eaten over rice as well.  The left over meat can be used to make pastelillos.  What I usually do is buy some pre-made dough that are alread cut into discs -I fill the middle with a little bit of the left over meat, fold the discs in half, sealing them with my finger or a fork and frying them.  These are really good.  

    I am Puerto Rican and I love to cook.  Because homemade Sofrito is much better than the store bought, I make my own. Usually, I make a large amount, putting it in containers to sell.

    Anyway, I know you probably looking for something much more simpler than this but nonetheless, I hope it was helpful.

  8. 1/ Chicken

    2/ Bacon

    3/ Pasta & Carbonara pack

    cook it, mix it all together ... bellissima

  9. Roast chicken, boiled new potatoes and asparagus, or broccoli. All you really need is a whole cooking chicken, or even just b*****s or  thighs, depending on if it's just you or more people. Buy a good amount of lemons and any spices and herbs that  you like, like garlic powder, onion powder, cracked pepper, parsley, etc. for the chicken. For the potatoes all you really need is butter, salt and pepper, and a little bit of parsley if you would like. And if you like asparagus, get that too, all you really need is lemon juice and a little butter. But if you don't like it that much or the cost of asparagus is too much where you live, then I recommend getting broccoli, because it's always good to have a green vegetable on the plate. :)

  10. Get some fresh fish and salad fixings have toss salad and blackened fish its what I had for supper last night and it was yummmy I am on call this week so I could not have a glass of wine with it but I would recommend a nice glass of white wine with your meal.

  11. a burger with fries. ther is nuthin more fulfilling lol =D or try indian food if they have it. like seekh kababs with tandoori roti. thts ausome :)

  12. Chicken fillet, rice, asian veggies and a sauce to mix it with


  14. French toast with blueberries!

  15. You know what, unless you want to cook, just have beans on toast or takeaway .. fish and chips?

    Today i personally just wanna chill in front of the tv

  16. You should get a Schnitzel, And make it Hawaiian, My Favorite.  

  17. vegies

  18. steak and mixed salad with baby jacket potatoes  in garlic butter yum yum

  19. Bread Fritters;

    Go to the bakery section of the store where you normally buy bread.

    Ask the baker for an "unbaked" loaf of bread.

    He must put exactly the same amount of dough he would have used to bake a bread with in to a plastic bag for you, and it would cost no more than a loaf of bread.

    Take that home and in a pot warm some cooking oil to about half the depth of the pot. (Smaller pots take less oil than bigger ones do)...

    The oil temperature should be medium hot. (About half the heat that the stove plate will go)

    Now cut from the unbaked dough a slice about the size of your palm, and with a little water on your fingers (to prevent the dough from sticking to your hand), stretch out the dough in all directions until it is about the size of your whole hand including the fingers. That brings the cutting of dough to about twice the size it was when you cut it....

    Now with care, drop the stretched out dough in to the hot oil.

    It would rise almost instantly.

    Fry it in the oil until it is golden brown all over, taking care to turn it over occasionally.

    It would be puffy and crisp when done.

    With a large ladle or sieve, scoop out the bread fritter and place on an absorbent kitchen towel to rid it of most of the oil still on it.

    Repeat this process until all the dough is done.

    These bread fritters are extremely filling, and can be cut open and filled with almost anything from grated cheese to mince to poloni or jam.

    Try it, you will probably have some left over for two or three days, which your man can take to work if he likes....

    Bread fritters can be frozen and warmed up again if you have made too much, but the dough cannot, so rather make the whole lot and freeze what is left over for another day.

    Here at home I have a set menu I follow when the kids are home, and Wednesdays are always bread fritter days. My family looks forward to this mid week treat.

  20. a nice salad!!!

    colesaw, lettuce, cucumber, lettuce, onions, beetroot..

    iv just eaten it for my lunch hehe!!

  21. noodles with chicken

  22. Frozen broccolli florets, chicken, penne pasta, alfredo sauce.

    cut up and grill the chiken, boil the noodles, and right before they are done -throw in the frozen borcolli. Drain all, then combine all along with the alfredo sauce, Add seasonings, to taste and serve with some garlic bread with mozzerella cheez melted on top. Yummy!

    P.S. Invite your fav guy friend over to make it yummier!

  23. Steak

  24. a great steak, roasted garlic smashed potatoes and asparagus, Yum!

  25. 1: Toast single piece of bread bread.

    2: Put tomato slices on top of toast and cover with cheese.

    3: Grill toast until cheese is melted.

    4: sprinkle with salt and pepper and put fresh slices of cucumber on top.


  26. Spaghetti Bolognaise with cheese and garlic bread :D

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