
What shall I put in a 63 liter aquarium?

by  |  earlier

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I swear I'll be asking so many questions until I actually get the aquarium, have it set up and cycled and bought the fish. =p

This time, though, I'm not thinking about getting a Betta.

I just want to know what will happily fit in a 63 litre tank.

It must be fresh water, naturally.

I have no time nor skill for saltwater. =/




  1. You know i had this same ? once, and i got myself a couple of rainbow fish. They are nice, they like other fish, and they are VERY Colorful. Hope i Helped

  2. hiya- most fishkeepers work in US gallons- 63 lt is about 16.5 usg, so you won't get a lot in there comfortably.  the general rule is 1gallon of water for each inch of fish, so in 16gallons, you could have 16 fish, if they only grow to 1 inch long.  don't forget to allow a couple of gallons for gravel & decorations!  DO NOT stick to this rule regardless- this is only a guideline!

    i would HIGHLY reccommend harlequin rasbora- they should be kept at 22-26 degrees, so you don't necessarily need a heater- you could happily have 12 in your tank; they put on the most beautiful shoaling displays!  

    please note that the 1g per inch rule does not apply to messy fish such as goldfish- make sure you do some research on your preferred species before buying.  and remember- that 1 inch in lenght applies to adult fish, so if they'll be 3 inches fully grown, they'll need 3 gallons.  

    i'd definitely say smaller shoaling fish are your best bet, but make sure your tank is suitably filtereed for the species you choose.  i can't stress enough how important individual species research is!

    out of interest... if you 'have no time'... why do you want to get a pet anyway?

  3. With your tank (which works out to a 16 US Gallon tank) stick to fish that stay under 3" for non shoalers and under 2" for shoalers. Ignore the 1" per gallon rule and concentrate on individual species needs.

    Look at fish suitable for a 15 gallon such as shoalers like neon tetras, glowlight tetras, harlequin rasboras etc. For a community I would go for only one group of shoaling fish, 1 or 2 more solitary fish and a bottom dweller or three, such as a final stocking:

    6-7 neon tetras

    Male/Female dwarf gourami (beware the dwarf gourami virus, buy healthy fish only) or honey gourami

    3-4 small corydoras such as sterbai corys

    Research any species before buying :)

  4. Easy fish for beginners that are just as beautiful are Platies, around a group of 3-5, which have no bad attitude at all, unlike swordtails and mollies that would otherwise be annoying but not always. You can also buy fancy guppies, but not once bred by expert guppy breeders because they are expensive and are not as hardy. You might also want one dwarf gourami that will look so colorful. Bottom dwellers are a must so add a school of corydoras catfish, OR, 2-3 otocinclus catfish which are great algae eaters or one bristlenose pleco that also eats algae and only grows to 5 inches. These are hardy so they do not require a lot of time which you are saving.

  5. hiya

    i think u should get a couple of gouramis and mabie some neon tetra and some mollies!

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