
What shall i do, i get an errection too often?

by  |  earlier

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my age is 27.I get it in the morning, afternoon, evening, night, anytime it just happens even when i am not thinking of s*x.

i have a good relationship and s*x is regular. i dont like to m********e, its better to be patient BUT its really anoying having an errection most of the day. What shall i do?? Is this normal??




  1. .Young men can get sexually excited very easily so have a lot of erections. This can be embarrassing but it’s not a problem and when you’re older you’ll probably remember the days fondly.

    If the erection lasts 4 hours or longer, you may have a condition called priapism. The condition is often painful, and requires prompt treatment to avoid the risk of permanent damage to the p***s and Erectile Disfunction in the future.

  2. There are some fellows who would gladly exchange their problem for your problem.

    At age 27, your Physician can prescribe certain drugs which will assist you but remember the drugs can also affect you at what you would consider inappropriate times.

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