
What shall i do for my gap year??!last minute decision, NO idea and i don't want to do the typical thing. ?

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after realising that the last 3 years have been all work and no play ive very recently decided i needed a break before uni. But ive got no idea what to do in it! ANy ideas greatly appreciated. Here's a few things that may help....

-i no most people volunteer abroad/go travelling etc but its not something that's especially appealed to me, esp. after just coming back from travelling round europe for a month. but im still open to suggestions, esp. if there not the usual 'build a well/school/mokey sanctuary' sort of thing.

-love drama and art

-gap year not intended to make me money for uni

-can't live at home for very much time at all- so need somewhere to live whether that be with an inhouse job like nannying or some form of really cheap shared accommodation (would never be able to afford flat on my own etc)

-dont have any relatives that live abroad

- would love to have evenings and weekends free (or similar) with my job to do stuff with family and friends, art, museums, music etc etc

-Have very little money right now, but am not a afraid of hard work!

-Would like to do a range of stuff in the year

THankyOU for any time and input!!X




  1. I worked my gap year to gain knowledge in the field I was studying. Not only that, but it helped pay my way through college. I didn't stay at home, I had accommodation where I worked.

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