
What shall i do i ain't had a period?

by  |  earlier

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i went on holiday in july and when i went on holiday i carried my pill on instead of the 7 day break, i also had s*x with my bf with out using anything.

i did start bleeding for 2days when i was still taking the pill but then when i was due my next period i didn't bleed.

i have done 2 tests but both neg

my pill finishes on wednesday but im not sure when i shall do another test.

please help





  1. If the test said you're negative then it's probably accurate. Pregnancy tests work by detecting HCG, a hormone only produced throughout pregnancy, when it is first fertilised by the fetus. So if it's negative then you're not pregnant. Carry on taking your pill as normal, so stop taking it when you don't need too, then go back on it when you normally would.

    A good idea would be to go to the doctor and explain your situation they would also be able to advise you on your worries about being pregnant and how to carry on taking that pill, as the above is only my suggestion!

  2. You missed your period before you took the test?  And it's been over a month since you last had s*x without protection?  My best guess is you're not pregnant, you just screwed up your body's clockwork.  Keep taking your pills regularly and you should be okay.

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