
What shall i do to live right and happy?

by Guest66483  |  earlier

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i have a boyfriend now. we're happy and so much in love with each other. i know i love him, i really love him. he's a boyfriend material, a guy that every girl's wished.i never thought that a girl like me,with a very messy life could be love by a guy like him. but yesterday,something made me realized that im still in love with my x bf. i saw my x yesterday, we've talked and he apologized for hurting me and leaving me before that caused my life to turn up side down. i realized that i still love him. now im confused. i dont know how to tell my current bf bout this.




  1. B4 u open your mouth, read "Soul Mates and Twin Flames," Elizabeth Clare Prophet, and "For Women Only," Shaunti Feldhahn.

    That should take a few weeks, eh?

  2. I think one of the best things you can do is listen to your "hesitation".  Do you have any hesitation when it comes to answering questions about either of these guys?  Do you love both of them? Or are you IN LOVE with both of them?  

    Most of the time when you do hesitate that is your intuition telling you that something is wrong.  

    It sounds like you need to do some soul searching.  It is true it is your choice, but you need to make the right one, for you, and not for anyone else.  Don't worry about hurting one of these guys.  It is inevitable.  But at least you will hurt them, and let them get out of this situation before it gets more involved.  

    Thanks for reading!

  3. You have a choice here, isn't it?

    It is better to be loved, than to love.

    As you say, if your current boyfriend is such a gift, to quote your own words, 'a guy that every girl's wished.i never thought that a girl like me,with a very messy life could be love by a guy like him.' it is better to have a frank discussion with him on your past, and if if he still agrees, carry on.

    And to the second part, it is quite obvious, that it it is not your ex-boyfriend but you who caused your life upside down. That you are not sincere, in both the cases.

    Life is always giving us the opportunities to choose, and it is up to us choosing and living with the consequences.


  4. You don't say why you and your ex parted ways.  At any rate, the past is the past.  My personal experience is that you can't ever get back the relationship you once had with an ex, especially if there was a violation (or many violations) of your trust.  

    Even so, it's good that you are not angry at your ex, but falling back "in love" with an ex is not the happiest decision you can make.  It is not likely to work out, for the same reasons it did not work out the first time.

    My advice, based on my own experience, is that you should break off all contact from your ex and move on with your life.  Don't call him or meet up with him.  Focus on being happy with your current boyfriend.  And don't mention this to your current boyfriend at all!  It can only create unnecessary drama and friction.

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