
What shall i do??plz help?

by Guest61734  |  earlier

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my bf called me a few months ago from the US telling me that he wont be back coz he wanted to get a good job there and he is in the US with a visit visa only and never wants to come back, the las time he called me he told me that he is going to find a new american woman and marry her and told me that women there are so easy and cheap and then he closed his cell for good and i couldnt find anyway to contact him and find out why he hurt me without any reason. he already messed up my life and i just want to know how to get my revenge what shall i do?

by the way, he is out of status now and trying to gain citizenship by marrying an american which he will never love, he thinks that all american women will fall for him becoz he is arab he is already wanted for crime in his country and our government is not doing anything about it to stop him from hurting women and tricking them




  1. Revenge is hard to acheive and it makes you feel bad.

    If I were you I would be happy that this undeserving man is gone from your life.

    You can't save the women that he is hurting now but you can stop letting him hurt you.

    Take this as a lesson. You will never be fooled by a man like him again. Go and find someone good.

    The best revenge is forgetting him and living a much happier life than he does.

    Remember he has chosen the life of a rat --- he is hiding and creeping through dark places trying to avoid justice and the authorities.

    Leave him there and enjoy your life out in the sunlight where honest people get to live.

  2. if you want revenge? i am not the person who can answer you......

    as far as that comment : and told me that women there are so easy and cheap,# that is his version #

    but do note, that if he is wanted in his country and is out of status in the US? he will not be able to get married and certainly NOT obtain citizenship;

    as far as the US doing something about men hurting women and tricking them?

    do know that,it is NOT the job of the US government to get involved in love and relationship,

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