
What shape is the universe?

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What shape is the universe?




  1. no is expanding all the time.

  2. According to modern cosmology it is pringle shaped.

  3. The universe is actually the shape of several interlocking spiral vortex, columns travelling upwards from no specific point in time and around themselves in weird twisty perpetual arc shapes. I know this because I'm quite brilliant.

    People will diasgree and downrate this but just wait in 10 years time!

  4. universe is infinite no one has proven the real of the universe.

  5. no shape, there is nothing beyong the universe as we know. so how will it have a shape if it takes up everything?

  6. Are you talking about our universe or what universe.

    Our univers is mostly perfectly circular because everything got thrwon out of an exact point in time and space.The universe is still expanding but everything is expanding at the same time keeping the perfect circle. In other universes"Not crazy babble but proven" This might not be so because gravity will most definately be stronger there.

    In the small point in time and space where it started there was a superforce   Gravity-Nuclear-Electromagatismn

    Now if we get a magnet we can pick up a peice of metal.

    That small Electromagnatismn is stronger that the whole gravity of the earth.  

    Nuclear and Electromagnetismn are about equal but gravity is a lot lot lot weaker so in other universes the gravity will be the strongets and the others will be weaker causing more planets to join probably meaning just one massive planet because the gravity sucked everything into each other

  7. The best way to describe the universe is a sphere. Nobody knows what is beyond it. The universe is not infinate because there is no proof of that however there is proof that the universe is expanding and you cannot have something that expands yet is infinate.

  8. I think the only way to give the Universe shape is to imagine it in the extra dimension. Our 3-dimensional space can be scaled up or down into other dimensions.

    To explain: a pencil-drawn man on a flat surface (for example, on the surface of an air balloon) is 2-dimensional to us, but the little man himself might think that he is 3-D. Our world would be an extra dimension to him. Now, if you imagine our Universe as flat surface of that balloon, it appears 3-dimentional to us, but it may exist in an extra dimension. In that dimension, it would have a certain shape, just like an air balloon has its own shape in our world.

  9. the universe is neverending so doesent have a shape

  10. th universe is a space that is still expanding and that concludes that it has no shape. If it has maybe elliptical

  11. Stephen Hawking believes it to be in the shape of a hyperbolic paraboloid.

  12. Actually we don't even know enough about the shape of the Universe to affirm that the Universe is infinite or not.

    Suppose we put an ant on a infinite sheet of paper. The ant is short-sighted and sees only that close to him his universe look pretty flat. If he starts walking he will never meet a boundary and never come back to the same place again. The two-dimensional plane is infinite and without bounds.

    Next put the ant on a large sphere. Again our ant can not see far enough to observe any curvature. If he starts walking in one direction he will never come to a boundary, but this time he can make a roundtrip. The spherical universe is unbounded but finite.

    We are in the same position as the ant, but in three dimensions. Locally our Universe seems flat and unbounded, but we don't know if we are in the 3 dimensional equivalent of the plane or the sphere. In the first case the Universe would be infinite, in the second place it would be finite.

    Now the fun and speculation starts....

    Even weirder shapes are possible. In two dimensions our ant has a third possibility, a universe shaped as a torus or a donut. We can make a torus by taking a sheet of paper, roll it up in a cylinder and then glue the two open ends together.

    The torus also has a three dimensional equivalent. Take a cube and imagine the following rule: everytime we leave the cube-universe through a side, we immediately enter it again to the side opposite. It is as if the opposing sides are glued together.

    Strange? Yes, but not excluded...

    My current favourite shape for the Universe is the following. Think of *two* three dimensional spheres. We live inside one of the spheres. A spaceship that flies to the boundary of one sphere immediately reappears on the corresponding point on the boundary of the other sphere and continues its voyage there. It is as if the boundaries of the two spheres are somehow glued together.

    Neat, isn't it?

  13. I heard it was the shape of a pringle, but i'm not a science wizz

  14. I believe that the universe is shaped somewhat like a ball.  However, the view is from inside the ball.  Everything is contained within this area.  The outer 'skin' of the ball is the max limit to which the universe can expand.

    By the way, do you think that the 'big bang' has happened before?  Do you think that It has happened and everything spread out until it hit the 'wall, then collapsed again only to start the process all over again?  Just think about it,  we may have been through this once before... I think eternity happens before, during, and after the 'big bang'.

  15. It is said that the universe is flat!

    but i disagree, i think that if you have ever seen a PLASMA LAMP you kinda get an idea of the shape of the whole universe, but then again it also might have the shape of a hyperbolic paraboloid, but i am sticking to the idea that the shape of the whole universe is sort of like a plasma lamp, simply because everything seems to follow the pattern and the physical shape of a circle.

  16. Seems like it could be close to a spherical shape, though not perfect. Explosions aren't perfect. So part of the sphere could extend out a little farther than the rest. Gravity would also play a part in the shape, perhaps pulling the edges in a bit in places.

    And as far as something being infinite. I believe in order for something to be infinite it would have to constantly expand or grow. Otherwise there would eventually be an end, which would make it finite.


    Actually here is a link to a NASA page that discusses that.

  17. shapeless it doesnt ends

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