
What shape would you say my face is? *pics*?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to figure out what shape my face is but I can't. Please hep :)

I hope these pics help :)




  1. Oval maybe, but more Round if that makes any sense.

  2. id have to say diamond.

  3. Looks a little like an egg, but with a tumor on the "but" (which is your chin), so I suppose your shape is a Cancer-egg

  4. i think oval sahped.

  5. its round but kinda ovaly as well

  6. in my experience I would say "face-shaped"

    p.s. you look a little like Tori Amos

  7. Heart-shaped.

  8. hmm..hard to tell half is circle the chin part is for a heart face...>.>

  9. round

  10. no they don't help at all  

    pull your hair back stand in front of the mirror with one eye closed trace your face its the easiest way to find out

  11. Circle/round.

  12. it may be rund or diamond. you never know

  13. I would say oval!

  14. i would say heart shapedd

  15. The thing with face shapes, is that there really aren't any general ones. There are people like you and I who just don't fit into a category, that's why you are getting so many mixed answers. I'm going to go with oval, but don't quote me on that... Sorry, but this is a tough question

    Beautiful skin by the way ♥

  16. umm i think heart but it also could be round. im pretty sure heart shaped. maybe try plucking or waxing your eyebrows. that has nothing to do with face shape i was just saying that.

  17. Uhm, can be both oval or round...

    you need to pull your back...


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