
What sharing activity can I do with my preschool kids?

by  |  earlier

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Teaching shairng: Social skills




  1. See if these sites have any ideas...

  2. join them with their coloring books, then play with them when they're

    bored..tell a fairytale story before sleeping..

  3. Invite students to SHARE a snack with the class allow them to help pass it out

    or SHARE their favorite book with the class allow them to show or help turn the pages.

  4. I agree with the art activity, however before you do that read "We Share Everything!" by Robert Munsch.  It is one of my favorite books, and shows children about sharing.

  5. The best way is incidental sharing. If you are doing an art or craft project, then put 1 basket of materials out for every 2 kids. So in the basket would be one set of crayons, one pair of scissors, etc. That way each kid has to take a turn. Of course you can model asking and taking turns and praise a lot.

    Of course, you don't want to do this with every activity, just enough so sometimes they must share and sometimes they get something all of their own.

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