
What shark is the most dangerous?

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What shark is the most dangerous?




  1. Actually, great whites DO have more fatal attacks on humans than any other shark species.

    Tiger sharks come in second, with the bull shark coming in third

  2. GREAT WHITE!!!!

  3. bull sharks cause they kill more people and they are known to eat people and great whites barley kill people but attack people by mistake

  4. I would say either the bull shark being the most agressive and ruthless or the Mako shark.

  5. Obviously people jump straight out and say GREAT WHITE.

    This isn't the case in estuarine parts of the Southern hemisphere lives the Bull shark.

    Being tolerant of bath saline and semi saline(brackish) and fresh water they venture further upstream and therefore come into close proximity with villages and small settlements.

    The sharks have access to more people and they claim lots of lives each year.

    They are highly unpredictable and very reactive if a threat is percieved.

    Cacharinhus leuca is its Latin name type into google and find out more.

    You may get some attack figures compared with the G.white too.

    Tiger sharks also have a reputation along with the bull shark.

    There seems to be conflict as to which one of these three is the real top killer.

    Recently I get the impression that the bull is on the increase.

    I think because we hear so much about the great white we tend to think of it as being the nasty one.

    Hey, but thats overpublicity for you.!!!!!!!!!

  6. The great white on the US west coast and most of the southern hemisphere. The bull shark in most of the north Atlantic.

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