
What shirt should i wear for school picture day?

by  |  earlier

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i want to look pretty simple.

middle/highschool imput appreciated.

please dont say neither or none of them ect.





  1. i like the second one :)

  2. uhm i don&#039;t like either of them.

  3. well if your hair color is light I say go with the first one and if your hair is darker go with the second one.

  4. I luv the first 1 its way cute

  5. i like them both !  it would depend on what you would wear with it  

  6. 2nd cause if the background is blue for you picture day you won&#039;t be able to see your blue shirt but if the background is a different color not blue then 1st

  7. the black one white usually makes people look tired and washed out on pictures especially if the photographer uses the wrong background .

  8. i like the first

  9. Wear the second one.

    Both of them are very plain and not very appealing, however. If I were you, I would maybe wear a white shirt with a cute design instead of just saying Abercrombie.

  10. 1st one.

    you should try wearing something colorful.

  11. white never turns out well but blue and brown do

  12. Abercrombie.

  13. neither, dont wear a brand name shirt cause part of it will get cut out of the picture, plus those are to casual, dress it up some

  14. i would wear the first one because the letters r higher and more spread out so none of urs letters will get cut off in the pic. and will space out the pic. better.

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