
What shoes can I wear to a volunteer interview at...?

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The Bata Shoe Museum. The interview is for the position of docent and I'm wondering how I should dress. I am thinking of wearing a high-waisted black skirt with a dark pink short-sleeved shirt (not too dark a pink, a bit darker than this: and I'm not sure about the shoes, should I just wear regular black pumps, or can I wear a pair of mary-jane peep-toes? Also, will it be okay to leave my hair curly or should I straighten it? Thanks! :)




  1. Always dress neatly, with style, and comfortable.  The last thing you need is shoes that pinch or a skirt so short you're worried more about keeping it pulled down than with answering the interviewer's questions.  If what you wear distracts you from what you're doing, it's not good.

    Curly or straight, it should be clean and "well kept."

    Especially since this is a volunteer position, their "standards" may not be as strict as a normal business interview might be.

    One place to get great advice is the clothing store/boutique.  Find one that has fashionable, and CLASSY clothing, and go in to shop (buying is not necessary, but might be encouraged especially if you find something nice!).  The sales people are well acquainted with current trends, what's in their stock, AND what would look good on you.  After all, they are there to sell you something, and if they make you look like a slob, you're not going to buy!

    Good luck with the interview, and don't be so worried about what you wear... sounds like you're on the right track.

    Have a polite day.

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