
What shoes should I take to Paris?

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I want to be comfortable since I will be doing a lot of walking and planned on walking shoes, but I've heard that Parisians rarely wear them. I don't want to stand out, but I want to be comfortable. Any suggestions?




  1. Yes don't bring walking shoes! i mean you can bring them, but you'll be fine with any other shoes really!!

    I live in Paris, and i wear tennis shoes/ all star converse/ nice shoes...all types of shoes really and i walk all the time everywhere and you definitally don't need walking shoes!

  2. Here's the thing, you are a tourist so you are going to stand out regardless, so you may as well be comfortable. I've been on a dozen trips abroad and I always take the same shoes by Privo which is made by Clarks of England. They have a heel so they look better than traditional walking shoes, however, they are comfortable enough that I could walk miles, I even walked up the mountain path to Edinburgh Castle no problem. They aren't the prettiest things, but they're not as ugly as regular walking shoes and your feet will thank you. Don't sacrifice your trip for fashion and an attempt to blend, because you wont blend and you can still look fashionable with comfortable shoes if you wear the proper clothing.  I've found these acceptable for a casual dinner and if you go some place nice just take a pair of dress shoes with you. Just don't wear white trainers! EVER!  Here's a link....

  3. This question comes along all the time.

    What's in it ?

    The only thing we tend to avoid is WHITE walking shoes ( whatever brand) with city (or skirt) outfits.

    But, converse, nike, adidas, puma, ...are fine with jeans or regular pants

    And yes, you will walk a lot so you have to feel comfortable ( a pair of used shoes is usually the best choice)

    Bring high heels in your suitcase for the restaurant and the evenings entertainement you have planned

  4. You won't really need walking shoes in the city, but yes, from my own experience I would recommend some comfortable flats or trainers maybe because you always end up walking miles unless you get taxis.


    this kind of shoes if you're a girl (they are not to big)

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